When you're a kid, the older kids sometimes pick on you.
When you're a kid, the older kids sometimes pick on you.
When you're a kid, the older kids sometimes pick on you. When I was walking home from school on Monday, Tom and Steve bothered me.
When you drop a piece of food on the floor, is it really OK to eat if you pick it up within five seconds?
Based on my own experience, you will pick up a language faster if you speak it as much as possible.
When your child throws her spoon on the floor for the sixth time as you try to feed her, and you say, "That's enough! I will not pick up your spoon again!" the child will immediately test your claim.
You turn toward a ball on the floor, and your brain sends a command to pick it up.
To pick the strawberries, you need to make a reservation on our website.
Especially when you get home from school or work, or return from any other public places, the first thing you should do is to turn on the tap, pick up the soap and wash your hands completely.
On the way to pick him up, you need to get something for dinner, which gives you about ten minutes with your father for tea and a visit.
Once you've got the ideas on there, you can pick and choose the ideas that you think are relevant to whatever message you're trying to convey.
At first, you pick decision which present low risks but which you usually tend to pass on to others, and you make them on your own.
When you stick rabbit ears on your TV set and pick up local stations for free, you are receiving broadcast television from local TV stations.
You can then discover the server and pick the one you want. Click on the discover... button.
The required attribute is used during form validation (more on that below) and the autofocus attribute lets you pick the element on the page too get focus.
If you pick one subject each day, and work on improving in that area, you will be a better manager before you know it.
Each of these shapes can either go on forever (a ray) or stop after a fixed distance (a segment), you can also pick based on a Bounds object.
When doing time analysis on a certain component, you pick up the transactions that are linked together and share the same name.
My general rule is that you should pick out software on your own, as your programming requirements are inevitably unique.
If you pick one subject each day, and work on improving in that area, you will be a better manager before you know it. And others will notice it too.
Surrounded by so much chaos you still pick out your name because you were focussed on it.
If you saw a dull brochure sitting on a desk, would you bother to pick it up?
If you don't like the platform you pick, just move on to a new one.
You can pick just one of these as your tool-of-choice, or you can pick and choose based on the use case.
You want the user to pick the color based on its name, but you need to use the hex RGB value for the out.
If you manage to have a good grasp on the environment, "you won't be targeted for pick pocketing or scams," Rose said.
'you basically let the crystal fall on something, black or dark-colored, and then you have to pick it up with a toothpick or brush and put it on a glass slide,' Libbrecht said.
Don't give up because you have a bad day, or a bad week. Pick yourself up, and carry on - and enlist help if you need it.
Don't give up because you have a bad day, or a bad week. Pick yourself up, and carry on - and enlist help if you need it.