Bob: Safety first is the best policy. Look at that pick up truck, he is turning into oncoming traffic.
A truck playing music comes to people's doors to pick up their garbage.
A truck driver working for the project is then sent to pick it up and take it to a shelter.
Three of your friends went off a bridge in a pick-up truck. Ralph was driving.
When we arrived on Long Island, Noel, one of the nicest people on an island that has its share, pulled up in a salt-encrusted truck to pick Jill and me up.
There is also the question of the eco-car's potential impact on the pick-up truck sector.
As one commentator puts it, a typical red-shirt villager probably has a secondary education, a pick-up truck and a healthy scepticism of Bangkok officials.
Get down on the floor with your kids and pick up a doll, truck, or ball.
Nine days after the guilty verdict, someone drove a pick-up truck through the glass doors of the da's office at high speed, then backed up and roared off.
An entrepreneurial young grocer who had lost his home and shop had set up a market stall out of a pick-up truck.
He ran an impressive campaign, driving around Tennessee in a red pick-up truck and seducing voters with common-sense homilies.
They stood under foliage on the side of the road. As a green police pick-up truck passed, the men opened fire.
On the outskirt of town, a pick-up truck is waiting.
The farmer would come by each day during the summer and pick us up in his truck for the 30-minute ride to his farm.
Lawrence Brewer, a member of a white-supremacist gang convicted of dragging a black man to death behind a pick-up truck in 1998, died in Texas.
白人至上主义团伙成员劳伦斯·布鲁尔(Lawrence Brewer)在德克萨斯州被处决,他被控于1998年用轻运货车拖曳一黑人致其死亡。
Every Monday, he rents a refrigerated truck to pick up fruits and vegetables from the two largest produce companies on the east coast, Taylor Farms and Coastal Sunbelt Produce.
He also has a sleigh of his own, which is, in true Texas-style, a red pick-up truck.
In this case it makes sense for one truck to pick up the loads one after another, and finally come back with a full load to the plant.
As I sat there quietly, looking out the window, I noticed this burnt old black pick-up truck with it's side caved in sitting across the street at the local feed store.
While the woman was driving through the intersection, the man in the sports car didn't stop at a stop sign, and he crashed into the pick-up truck.
We will arrange shipping from Los Angeles. Please provide the following information once available, and we will arrange a truck to pick up.
I pick up a box with a photograph of a rescue truck on the outside and squint at the fine print. That's when I learn that Legos aren't as Danish as I thought they were.
The boundary condition and the computation parameters ware defined. Last, the fields of the pick-up truck ware calculated.
First, the simplified model of the pick-up truck body and the computational domain ware set up, the grids ware divided accordingly.
We need supplier for completing pick up parts , We need the parts from manufacture supply. body, chassis, engines, transmission, seat, wiring, glass everything to assemble the truck.
The assailants used a green Mitsubishi pick-up truck to carry out the attack.
Now he chats with his plain clothes rebel comrades next to a gun-mounted pick-up truck, hoisting a Belgian-made FN light automatic rifle that's half his height.
A few days ago, I was roaming the streets in my pick-up truck looking for items that could be recycled when a flash of light caught my eye.
A few days ago, I was roaming the streets in my pick-up truck looking for items that could be recycled when a flash of light caught my eye.