When the pilot shows his picture about the snake eating the elephant, adults only see it as a hat.
The picture was exactly as I remembered it: her cowboy hat, her unruly hair, her smart, perfect face.
Fillmore was without a hat. Outwardly he looked the picture of health - like the average American tourist who slouches along with money jingling in his pockets.
Firth's face is a picture of misery in the opening scene, under his top hat, as if attending his own funeral.
Her photos included a picture of her and Corinne standing on chairs recreating a dance routine from the musical Cabaret, and another of Sawers in a Santa hat from Christmas 2007.
I was really gobsmacked when I saw your picture of a model wearing a hat with a toy airplane on it.
The achievements of the cyclists, winning eight golds, four silvers and two bronzes, were especially notable; Chris Hoy (shown in the picture) scored a golden hat-trick.
And whatever you do, try to avoid using a picture of green hat on your website if there's a chance that you may target Chinese markets in the future.
I came forward to the top of the stairs and stood there, smiling, my hat in my hand, like the girl in the picture.
My drawing was not a picture of a hat. It was a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant.
He stood on a chair, and with his hands he covered the hat and hair of the man in the picture.
We need to take a picture now. Let me take off your hat. Please look at the camera and don't look away. Good boy / girl!
In the picture is a Serbian student living in Kosovo, putting on a traditional hat, showing the Serbian nationalist salute and opposing to the declaration of independence of Kosovo;
图片上的是住在科索沃的塞尔维亚学生,戴上传统的塞裔帽, 作塞裔国家主义的敬礼,反对科索沃自行宣布独立;
In the picture is a Serbian student living in Kosovo, putting on a traditional hat, showing the Serbian nationalist salute and opposing to the declaration of independence of Kosovo;
图片上的是住在科索沃的塞尔维亚学生,戴上传统的塞裔帽, 作塞裔国家主义的敬礼,反对科索沃自行宣布独立;