According to the pie chart above, half of the students love science books.
Move the pointer over each section of the pie chart to view the percentage for the statement type.
Annotate the charts with readable text that delivers more information than the standard pie chart.
After reading in the Step 1 pie chart, polygons specified by the triangle vertices file are drawn on the Step 1 chart.
This works great, because you'll be sending data over the bridge to this same variable, which is then used as the data provider to the pie chart.
Furthermore with the pie chart, DBAs can confirm where the SQL statement is spending most it time.
You can also see which statements have been run the most with a pie chart (see Figure 1) that breaks out each statement type by percentage of statements that have been run.
We want to take that pie chart and transform it into the Step 2 graphic from Figure 1.
Client time distribution shows a detailed break down of the client time component from the previous pie chart.
Shows a pie chart with the percentages of the test results that passed and failed.
From this display, the breakdown of where time is spent for this statement's executions is shown both graphically as a pie chart as percentages and as time values in a table.
The first component of the advanced chart creation process is to build a relatively unmodified pie chart.
Florence Nightingale is known as a nurse, but she also made a new kind of pie chart showing how many soldiers in the Crimean war died from military action and how many from disease.
As you scan the data in the grid, it should match up with what's represented in the pie chart.
Listing 3 shows some updates to the code from Listing 2 that will produce a more colorful and interactive pie chart.
The edge of the new pie chart is smoothed, the pie radial divisors are colored white, and the interior of the pie chart is made white.
Having the categorized results now allows you to depict the results in a simple pie chart, as illustrated in figure 14.
The upper half of the page now has the pie chart, breaking it up to illustrate the usage of logical log as used space, free space and backed up space.
When you take the mouse pointer on top of the pie chart pointing to each database portion, you can see the percentage value that particular space has covered within the pie chart.
On the other hand, the graph depicts the pie chart indicating the space available and the space used up by the physical log.
Figure 18: scope Management drill-down from an Investment Map: Pie chart showing distribution of project scope items.
The pie chart compares the sales of the Headquarters of Onlytoya College and its five branch schools from July to December, 2007.
You use the hash later to create a simple pie chart using Google Charts to visualize the data.
Lines 71 through 83 show a data grid and a pie chart embedded inside a panel titled Employees.
Figure 13 illustrates what the data collected can represent in the form of a pie chart.
The status of ECRs is shown using a pie chart which is displayed through a dimension widget.
Norton and Ariely were astonished that 47 percent of respondents-remember these were all americans-chose the pie chart depicting Sweden.
Next, take a look at Listing 14, which is the MXML to generate the pie chart.
A pie chart, showing the utilization of the dbspace, is also displayed. Figure 18 shows the properties of one such dbspace.
A pie chart, showing the utilization of the dbspace, is also displayed. Figure 18 shows the properties of one such dbspace.