If you drop that into a piggy bank and then once a year put $1,434 in a savings account at 1% interest rate, you will have your trip money.
If you drop that into a piggy bank and then once a year put $1,434 in a savings account at 1% interest rate after-tax, you will have your trip money.
Check out the power Hog, an adorably pig-shaped power monitor that introduces kids to energy efficiency (and general thriftiness) by piggybacking upon the familiar format of the piggy bank.
The seller didn't see the funny side – particularly when he was told his buyer was a three-year-old whose piggy bank didn't run to $20, 000.
The good news is that you do not have to empty your piggy bank and sign up for an out-of-your-budget gym membership.
Parents give a piggy bank gift to children as a wish that saving habitual will make them prosperous as symbolized by pig.
Japan Post, which has been a piggy bank for politicians, rarely made loans or risked its customers' money.
My cousin always "borrows" money from her older brother's piggy bank, which drives him crazy.
For homeowners, negative equity makes houses more like a trap than a piggy bank.
The remaining funds were reportedly funneled into a large piggy bank the first daughter kept secret.
Put money into a piggy bank that has to be smashed to get the money out.
In this section, User2 will set up individual work areas by creating a Web view and importing the Piggy Bank UML project into the workspace.
在这个章节中,用户2将会通过创建一个网络视图,并将Piggy BankUML项目导入到工作区域来创建私人工作区域。
The following figure illustrates how the Piggy Bank modeling project is displayed in the Model Explorer view.
接下来的图向您展示了Piggy Bank建模项目是怎样在ModelExplorer视图中显示的。
The Piggy Bank sample is divided into three UML models that each describe a different aspect of the system: the use-case model, analysis model, and design model.
Piggy Bank范例被分成三个UML模型,每个模型都描述了系统的不同方面:用例模型,分析模型和设计模型。
To import the Piggy Bank modeling project, follow these steps.
按照以下步骤来导入Piggy Bank建模项目。
Bad Piggy Bank -- an SMS-based payment system the company is still testing that will make it possible for users to pay for games without the need to register or use a credit card.
坏小子存钱罐(Bad Piggy Bank):Rovio公司正在测试的一项基于短信服务的支付系统,用户可以使用它支付游戏而无需注册或使用信用卡。
Figure 15 illustrates how the Piggy Bank modeling project is displayed in the model Explorer view.
图15阐明了Piggy Bank建模项目是如何在ModelExplorer视图中显示的。
Import the Piggy Bank project from User's workspace.
从用户工作区中导入Piggy Bank项目。
Here are five ways that you can use TwitterTwitter to keep cash in your piggy bank.
In this section, User1 will import an existing modeling project called Piggy Bank.
在本章节中,用户1会导入一个名为Piggy Bank的已存在的建模项目。
And we have a very good fight and we have a winning fight because they are using our country as a piggy bank to rebuild China and many other countries are doing the same thing.
We settled in at a cosy table set with fine China and featuring a ceramic piggy bank centerpiece.
PUTTING something aside for a rainy day is rarely a bad idea. Raiding the piggy bank often is, as the International Energy Agency (IEA) may yet discover.
I put them all in the piggy-bank. Take them, Daddy, Mummy. Could you stop fighting, please?
Parents can ask kindergartners to set aside a portion of their money in a piggy bank, without explaining the theory behind an emergency reserve.
Just as is depicted in the picture, just like saving money, the lovely and smiling piggy bank is collecting every drop of water falling from the water tap.
When the piggy bank broke into pieces, the bronze, gold and silver coins inside of him scatterednoisily.
And your mom, was savin 'money for you in a jar, Trynna start a piggy bank for you sou could go to college.
A senior bank executive in Mumbai admitted to raiding his daughter's piggy bank to pay for tolls on his way to work.
A senior bank executive in Mumbai admitted to raiding his daughter's piggy bank to pay for tolls on his way to work.