He pushes his glasses up his nose with his pinkie.
He has learned to hit PageDown with his pinkie.
The only potential hiccup is his wonky pinkie.
Sweetheart Loves her new puppet, Babie Pinkie!
How he copes with a torn ligament in his pinkie remains to be seen.
Reich says for now, this pinkie bone is the only known Denisovan fossil.
"They are the size, or even smaller, than the nail on your pinkie," Henshilwood says.
"There are a lot of other me's out there, " Michael answered. "I want you to pinkie swear."
Bryant has said his right pinkie, which he injured last season, is not a shooting hindrance.
I looked at the lemonade bottle as I spoke, tracing the circle of the opening with my pinkie finger.
Legend, just joking in both pinkie attached to a red line, the couple are doomed became husband and wife.
Kobe Bryant continues to play through significant pain whenever his damaged right pinkie is hit during a game.
Offer the baby a pacifier, help her find her thumb, or slip your own clean pinkie into her mouth, nail side down.
Kobe can play through his pinkie injury because it simply is a hand injury. Leg injuries are much more critical.
Bryant plans to play a full season without having surgery on his right pinkie because recovery would take too long.
Pinkie: Well, you going to have to, we don't just swap, silly, we always sing the Pie Sisters' swap Day Song first!
Clubs pursued a variety of fundraising activities to meet this goal, including the Purple Pinkie project and Pennies for Polio.
After so much drama, it's ironic and scary that a pinkie finger could potentially disrupt Laker-nation's dream of post-season glory.
Maybe at the end of my career, if things get worse, I'll be like the cool grandfather that can stretch his pinkie to all the way over here.
"Along with the development of technology, the enlarged thumb or pinkie bent will become the norm, especially for the younger generation," added Goldsmith.
Facts are stored first in the hippocampus, a structure deep in the brain about the size and shape of a fat man's curled pinkie finger. But the information does not rest there.
Don't stop until you get to twenty, even if you end up with something like "I'm thankful for the shape of my right pinkie toe" or "I'm thankful for spicy hummus and pita chips."
He also elaborated on his decision not to have surgery on his dislocated right pinkie finger, saying that the 12-week recovery time would have meant missing too much basketball.
The problem lies in the pixels themselves; try and fit too many onto an imaging sensor the size of a pinkie nail and you’ll have some very small pixels that don’t absorb much light.
The problem lies in the pixels themselves; try and fit too many onto an imaging sensor the size of a pinkie nail and you’ll have some very small pixels that don’t absorb much light.