The pitot static probes, alpha vanes, drain mass, and toilet drains use electric heaters.
Therefore, this instrument is frequently used to replace the dial gages on the older pitot static testers.
The pitot static probes, temperature probe and alpha vanes provide air data information to the various using system, they are located on the left and right sides of the forward fuselage.
Usually, there are many methods which may be used to determine the position of the pitot static system. But most of them have not enough accuracy to test the new type of the pitot static system.
After pitot static vents of total static pressure system are covered, the real airspeed, Mach number and pressure altitude are not displayed from cockpit instrument, and the accident might happen.
Carry out external walk around, check static ports, pitot tubes, tat probe for no damage and obstruction, check static dischargers, radome latches and Angle of attack sensors for no damage.
It is possible to go some way towards the solution of this problem by the use of static and pitot comb pressure measurements.
Aero pitot-static pressure system tester has direct effects on the airtightness of the air - borne pitot - static pressure system and the accuracy of meter reading.
This paper describes a new intelligent digital anemometer for the measurement of wind tunnel flow velocity based on the Pitot-static tube.
This paper describes a new intelligent digital anemometer for the measurement of wind tunnel flow velocity based on the Pitot-static tube.