If you are walking past a pizza restaurant at lunchtime, your emotions and feelings probably will be stronger than your knowledge that pizza may not be the best food for your health.
People might like New York-style thin pizza, or Chicago deep-dish thick pizza.
Today the average American eats over ten kilograms of pizza a year, and the world's biggest pizza was baked out not in Italy, but in Cuba!
Pizza became a favorite dish in Italy, but pizza really became an international dish after the Second World War, when thousands of American soldiers went home from Europe.
He was asked to bake a special pizza for a visit by the Italian King and Queen in 1889, and so the first pizza Margarita was invented, named after the Queen.
Pizza Hut has offered Phelps and his entire team free pizza and pasta for a year after he broke Mark Spitz's record of 7 gold MEDALS in one Olympics.
Order pizza and have the restaurant bake a special pizza that spells out your apology using toppings.
I don't recall having Shared my love of pizza with you before, but there it is — two favorite things I love — love pizza, delicious, love chocolate, delicious.
He picked a casual pizza restaurant for his first meal as a free man because pizza was something his family could share.
Having a salad before pizza will often cut down on how much pizza is eaten, thus making a salad with some light dressing a healthy choice in either case.
Pepperoni pizza sure is delicious — but without the brain, your taste buds wouldn't be able to tell if you were eating pizza or the box it came in.
THEY call him a pizza mogul so here he is, the day before the big debate, working the room in Sal's Pizza in Manchester, New Hampshire.
Want a slice of pizza? It's the junk food junkie's wildest dream come true -- pizza as health food.
Classic database normalization would say to create a pizza table, and then a many-to-many table relating pizza IDs to topping IDs.
A blonde went into a pizza parlor. When she said that she'd like a medium pizza, the clerk asked her how many pieces she'd like to have it cut into: six or twelve.
Outside, some of the traffic signs were also sponsored by Texas Instruments, and the Pizza Hut billboard on the way over showed a steaming pizza, under the headline "Gigabites of Taste!"
Creative “cheesy” posters promote Pizza Hut pizza in Seoul, Korea. [link]
The application shown in Listing 2, index.php, creates pizza orders using the Pizza class (shown in Listing 3) to calculate the price of each pizza.
The nutritional chart for Domino’s Pizza shows their ham to have five to ten less calories per serving than even the chicken, depending upon which pizza is ordered.
Or eat a thin crust pizza with lots of veggies instead of a deep dish pizza with a thick crust.
PI pizza restaurant in st Louis, the staff has come up with a new mantra: "it's just pizza!"
Not everything has to be high protein, low carbon, polyunsaturated fat - I too enjoy the occasional pizza (and notice I did not say "slice of pizza") and all-you-can-eat breakfast offer.
He wrote: 'If I had one wish I would wish for all the pizza in the world except for vegetable pizza and anchovie [sick] pizza, and if I had two wishes I would have one million dollars and that pizza.
According to pizza Hut, mobile accounts for half of all its orders, with users ordering pizza by way of SMS, mobile website and even an iPhone app.
BlogExpress is what's known as "pizza ware" — meaning, if you like the software, you can send the author some pizza money.
Or her Twitter friend kyleland1, who claims to be a Pizza Hut manager from Omaha who believes that "if you like pizza you should also like #keystonexl and the sweet #oilsands it benefits #nebraska."
A pizza shop owner in New York, took to social media to introduce his latest innovation, an edible pizza box.
A pizza shop owner in New York, took to social media to introduce his latest innovation, an edible pizza box.