That shift, in turn, place an unprecedented premium on "knowledge workers", a new class of wealthy, educated, and mobile people who view themselves as free agents in a seller's market.
I think you would see the same trend but maybe a difference in degrees and a difference in terms of what age that shift takes place.
For the shift in demand to take place smoothly, they have to allow their currencies to appreciate.
The two previous examples of collaboration point out an interesting shift that has taken place in the area of standards.
While it's too early to tell how consumer habits will change, if the EU chooses to settle with Microsoft, browser developers will see a major shift in the market place.
Some “new” loans also represent a shift to the formal banking sector from off-balance sheet vehicles and from the informal loan market which flourished when credit quotas were in place.
But whether that shift takes place against a background of prosperity or stagnation depends on the pace of growth in the rich countries.
Social scientists are starting to realize that a permanent shift has taken place in the way we live our lives.
Having moved to the relatively upmarket Enfield, I missed out on the fact that this shift in gang dynamics was taking place far more quickly in the Tottenham I had left behind.
Priorities need to shift to ensuring that essential packages of prevention, treatment and care services are in place district by district, and community by community.
If we do this exercise one time per day, every day for one month, we may notice a change or a shift in our thinking about ourselves and about our place in the world.
Whether his future holds further public office or a shift to the private sector, the "other" Bharara son has already earned himself a place in the history books.
"It was so dark and evil in that place," said the wife of one miner who missed his shift that day and so was spared.
the aircraft were re-positioned at the end of the shift for the next day's work to take place in an adjacent bay.
It will sway masses of souls to place their faith in us, and you will notice a great shift in the mass consciousness.
Another expensive policy shift will take place in April, when the state pension is relinked to earnings.
The same phenomenon occurs when any radical shift in your personal life takes place.
In fact, Ms Cooper is emblematic of the shift taking place in the legal market.
Some "new" loans also represent a shift to the formal banking sector from off-balance sheet vehicles and from the informal loan market which flourished when credit quotas were in place.
The confidential placed in a stable place, the placement of power and ground to ensure safety before use, equipped with the power of 750 watts, reverse-time shift, the machine behind the pipe mouth.
The look of Gold Leaf Lacquer, in place of wood, is a statement of richness in many Asian cultures; it accents the interior, including the door handles and shift knob.
Time and place and viewpoint shift constantly, as memories of Vietnam are interwoven with incidents in the United States.
Shift leader on duty in the fill based on the record, do well shift work, and earnestly rectification measures, responsibilities, resources, time frame and plan the "five in place."
Shift, the direction can not be "killed", especially when turning in place, it is necessary to leave some margin to ensure that the hydraulic steering system is in normal working condition.
Shift, the direction can not be "killed", especially when turning in place, it is necessary to leave some margin to ensure that the hydraulic steering system is in normal working condition.