The boy told himself that if these white plain socks were so popular with kids, then some cool custom designs would surely be an even greater hit.
On a recent day all seats were full in the simple restaurant, where diners sit on backless chairs and eat from plain white dishes.
The all white was a little too plain even for me, a lover of all things bright and white.
The scientists started with plain, white T-shirts that were cut into thin strips and dipped into a boron solution.
Rather than flaunting their purchases before recession-pinched passers-by, however, they asked for plain white shopping bags.
Depending on the species, bird eggs can be any color ranging from chicken's plain white to a robin's blue, streaked, spotted, bright, pale, and anything in between.
She momentarily laid the painting in her lap and I could see it was nothing but a plain white blank.
The Countess– who was only plain Bess Hardwick then – embroidered him a coat all chequered over with black and white squares.
Have a seat in your favorite chair and close your eyes. Now imagine walking into a bare room, with plain white walls with a small table and two folding chairs facing across from each other.
Refined Carbs: Processed white foods, like regular pasta, white rice, and plain bagels are good choices.
Tests have shown over and over again that the sites with black text on a plain white background--with colors limited to the margins--get the highest conversion rates.
A plain white paperback would do just fine if we actually followed that particular ancient adage.
“Next, you dip a toothpick into the lemon juice, like this, ” I said. “And you write a secret message on plain white paper.”
After the water and oatmeal have settled for two or three minutes, mix in 2 tablespoons plain yogurt, 2 table-spoons honey, and 1 small egg white.
Take "hard discounters", stores such as Aldi and Lidl that offer a limited range of cheap products in plain "white-label" packaging.
For instance, if your images contain a subject, try and ensure that the background is plain white or black.
In narrative language, Haiyan from the early inclusion of plain white paper to the latter part of the language fluency vivid, retains a simple style.
It is often referred to as the white Album, as it has no other text than the band's name on its plain white sleeve, designed by pop artist Richard Hamilton.
A screed floor runs through the living Spaces, along with exposed brickwork and plain white cabinetry, while monochrome tiles were chosen for the bathroom.
And if our content area is white, the background should be a close plain tone, which means light grey or very pale colours.
A plain white T-shirt can create an illusion that broadens the shoulders and slims the waist, producing a more V-shaped body, which is a top sign of masculinity.
It can be prepared in two ways: either white (plain) or red (cooked with soy sauce).
There she comes, she comes down from the hill. With a bunch of flowers in hands, she appears in a plain white dress with beautiful make up.
她来了,她从山上下来了。靓妆着,仿佛是一身缟白,手里抱着一大束花。 羀。
In the end, we were able to see rainbows even on still images, including on a plain white screen during our measurement of light output.
In the end, we were able to see rainbows even on still images, including on a plain white screen during our measurement of light output.