This was plain speaking, and Mary Lennox had never heard the truth about herself in her life.
They are all so suspicious of each other; a little plain speaking would do a lot of good.
If you don't mind my plain speaking, I want to tell you that we do not consider your work entirely satisfactory.
Known for his plain speaking style, Gates, a native Kansan, gives old-fashioned speeches about service and duty and exudes a sense of calm.
Communication skills — careful listening, clear writing, close reading, plain speaking, and accurate description — will be invaluable.
Morgan is an expansive stylist, fond of rare words (“letheless, ” “mortise”) and of the circumlocutions that can pass for plain speaking, but her pacing is shrewd.
Present-day impressions of this important occasion are of a strange blending of formality, plain speaking with hovering dissension and a general lack of natural warmth.
And of course, this page just made my day because the person who wrote it did so by speaking plain English, instead of boring us with maybes and possibilities regarding legalities.
Too often, party colleagues were left to fight the fires after another round of good old plain-speaking from MM. He upset ethnic Malays by remarking they had not adapted well to Singapore.
An energetic and plain-speaking woman who gives the impression of being untroubled by self-doubt, Holt has little time for the idea that Breivik was just a deranged loner who came out of nowhere.
The plain-speaking Cele has called for a change in legislation that would allow police to open fire on suspects without having to worry about "what happens after that".
Generally speaking, telegrams can be divided into two kinds: Plain Language telegrams and Code Language telegrams.
The writings of the analytical school combine plain-speaking with technical terms that are precisely defined in the style of scientific terminology (or at least, they are supposed to be).
Speaking of which, I'm frank to say that the drama is plain, sometimes even boring, I was always expecting the music being played again and again.
From a hill above a corpsestrewn plain a general speaking to his officers, leaned upon his spear.
This one features a hotshot New York journalist and a plain-speaking Southern librarian, both of whom have been hurt by love before.
Generally speaking, the design of Diaoban books in the Song Dynasty reflects significant features of plain and simple.
He is beloved for his roles as plain-speaking men of humane decency.
He is beloved for his roles as plain-speaking men of humane decency.