Deploy a database pool: you have learned how to build the database deployment plan and what resource adapters you should use for different database servers.
See Using deployment plan templates for templates and samples.
The Deployment Plan provides a detailed schedule of events, persons responsible, and event dependencies required to ensure successful cutover to the new system.
The infrastructure was developed by creating the database tables and the security deployment plan for your application.
Your application needs a security deployment plan that specifies what the source is for obtaining username and password information for authenticating users.
You're now ready to deploy the application and DB2 deployment plan to the server.
Plan enterprise architecture and deployment with security in mind.
If you are using a deployment plan and you see errors during deployment, check the error message and the logs to determine which resource could not be resolved.
It gives the location of the input archive and the optional external deployment plan (if one was provided).
Spudis' plan involves "robotic resource extraction and the deployment of space-based fuel depots" using water from the moon before any humans return to its surface.
Table 1 describes the required deployment descriptor and optional deployment plan.
He made it clear that he wanted the earlier deployment plan to go ahead and suggested that blocking it had undermined the British mission.
Security is implemented through a database deployment plan that specifies the database driver, connection URL, and SQL, among other data.
This article describes supported server topologies, and can help you plan a deployment.
Deployment and user acceptance test plan.
Along with general managerial principles — plan, make things explicit, compare costs and benefits — deployment involves several specific ideas that you'll want to learn.
As an exercise, you could modify the Web-application deployment plan to embed the connector element and convert it from globally scoped to module scoped.
The geronimo-web.xml deployment plan requires specific parameters and format to work correctly.
geronimo - web . xml部署计划需要特定的参数和格式才能正确工作。
You specify the run-as and default subjects for the application in the security configuration in the application's deployment plan.
应用程序的Run-as 主体和缺省主体在应用程序的部署计划的安全配置中指定。
To create a global data source that can be used by multiple applications within the Geronimo server, you must create a deployment plan and correctly deploy it into the server.
Your deployment plan is deployed and connected to Geronimo's kernel using GBeans.
This information can help you make better use of the WebSphere tools for CMPs, and plan the best way to handle automated configuration and deployment issues involving CMPs.
Deploying and connecting the security deployment plan to Geronimo allows your application to later extend and use the security configuration contained therein.
This lets you upload your application's.ear or.war file and a deployment plan.
Installing the TestSuite is similar to installing the portal driver: You create a deployment plan, package a WAR file, and deploy it.
By using the database pool deployment plan provided by the EMPdemo sample, we will show you how to understand and modify this plan to build your own database deployment plan.
Figure 5 shows the deployment descriptor and deployment plan for Web applications deployed to Tomcat.
In certain cases you will need to use the Source view to specify additional configuration and deployment elements in the deployment plan.
See the sidebar Parent configuration and class loading for information on the need for a geronimo-application.xml deployment plan.
请参阅侧栏父配置和类装载,以了解geronimo - application . xml部署计划所需的信息。
See the sidebar Parent configuration and class loading for information on the need for a geronimo-application.xml deployment plan.
请参阅侧栏父配置和类装载,以了解geronimo - application . xml部署计划所需的信息。