The analysis covers plane strain, plane stress and anti-plane strain shear cases.
The dynamic disturbance can be simplified as plane stress wave under certain conditions.
The contact zone width of crane wheel with track is analyzed by plane stress elastic theory.
The new result here explains the difference between the cases of plane strain and plane stress.
The plane stress theory is applied to analyze the contact stress between cast track and roll wheel.
The restraint level of plane stress is lesser than that of plane strain at the same mixed condition.
In some cases to solve plane stress by this method is quicker and easier to imagine than that by a...
The results indicate that the application of the HRR theory is positive only in the plane stress case.
The characteristics method developed is an effective approach for compressible materials under plane stress.
Results also show that the scale effect in plane stress state is slightly stronger than that in plane strain state.
In the article, a simple method is discussed to confirm the principal stress direction un-den the plane stress condition.
The state space method coupled with the technique of differential quadrature (SSDQM) was presented for plane stress problems.
In some cases to solve plane stress by this method is quicker and easier to imagine than that by analytical and graphic methods...
As an instance, it was used to analysis a structure of plane stress problem. The detail computing steps and results were presented.
The crack tip stress-strain field of elastic-plastic materials are analysed by finite element method in the plane stress condition.
The state equation of Pieoelectric beam is deduced directly from a piezoelectric physical equation in terms of a plane stress problem.
Its efficiency was demonstrated by computing the limit load factor and the collapse state for some plane stress and plain strain problems.
In this paper non-linear analysis with finite element method is used in the study of the plane stress Problems of reinforced concrete members.
It is of great significance in engineering and teaching to determine the direction of the largest main stress under the status of plane stress.
Tile thickness effect on critical stress-intensity factor in plane stress is discussed, and a quantitative formula is also suggested in this paper.
Based on the fundamental equation of an anisotropic rectangular plate in plane stress problem, an accurate general displacement solution is obtained.
Aim to construct an analytic solution for the asymptotic field near a tensile crack tip of power-law hardening material under Plane stress condition.
The detailed forms of the functional equations and the final governing equations for solutions are given for the cases of plane strain and plane stress.
A calculation of present. Tectonic stress field of China and its vicinity as a plane stress problem has been made by means of the finite element method.
For the plane stress problem of fixed end orthotropic beams subjected to uniform load, the analytical solutions of stress and displacement were resolved.
The J integral values in the vicinity of the crack tip in welded joints were numerically analyzed by using the plane stress elastic-plastic finite element method.
In this paper the formula of work of plastic deformation and the 3-dimensions figure of Twin shear stress yield criterion in the plane stress condition are derived.
This paper USES principal curvature, plane stress and structure filtering to evaluate the development of fracture at geology shape, mechanical and signal handle facet.
The limit load formulae of single-edge deeply notched plates with round ends subjected to pure bend moment and tensile load under plane stress condition have been derived.
The approach is based on the assumption that necking mode can be modeled under plane stress conditions and shear localization can be modeled under plane strain conditions.