When "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" was first shown to the public last month, a group of excited animal activists gathered on Hollywood Boulevard.
Virginia and her guest, Johnson, have just watched Planet of the Apes on DVD.
But "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" discovers a new emotion: what you'd have to call interspecies pathos.
Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes is said to be neither a remake of the 1968 classic of the same name nor a sequel to the series.
In a dramatic act, more at home in a Planet of the Apes film script than real life, LaFarge entered his enclosure knowing he would attack.
“Rise of the Planet of the Apes” is spectacle with a kick: the transcendence of the normal in creatures so like ourselves is both an entertainment and a needling rebuke to human vanity.
I'm speaking of the expertly crafted "Rise of the Planet of the Apes," by far the best spectacle movie of the season, and one of the few films to use digital technology for nuanced dramatic effect.
The markets were tumbling on Friday inside the New York Stock Exchange, but outside the world of fantasy prevailed as this character promoted the 40th anniversary of the movie "Planet of the Apes."
Planet of the Humans: Why Haven't Apes Evolved into Humans?
Planet of the Humans: Why Haven't Apes Evolved into Humans?