The clinic's main contractor pulled out, so Planned Parenthood assumed this role itself.
If you want more protection than this, contact Planned Parenthood at 1-800-230-plan to discuss the options.
如果你需要更多的预防措施,青联系1- 800 - 230 -Plan的生育计划(Planned Parenthood)处,与工作人员讨论具体操作。
According to Planned Parenthood, a healthy relationship provides both partners a feeling of security, mutual support, and enjoyment.
When it comes to advice for the parents of teens, Rosenbaum notes that just about every organization, from Focus on the Family to Planned Parenthood, offers a similar message.
New Hampshire is the first state to repeal a parental notice law, according to Dawn Touzin of Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, whose lawsuit had tied up the law in court.
But imagine being told that you're infertile.For people who planned their life around the idea of parenthood, the news can be devastating.
But imagine being told that you're infertile. For people who planned their life around the idea of parenthood, the news can be devastating.
But imagine being told that you're infertile. For people who planned their life around the idea of parenthood, the news can be devastating.