The plant cell engineering technology will be a important supplementary means in rapeseed breeding in the future.
The results will improve the application of plant cell engineering and gene engineering on cotton genetics and breeding.
The paper summarized the achievements of rapeseed by plant cell engineering technology at home and abroad in lately 20 years.
The method of using technology of plant cell engineering combining physical and chemical mutagenesis offers helpful try in creating the mutant of resisting CMV.
运用植物细胞工程技术结合理化诱变因子诱变筛选抗CM V突变体,为创造抗CM V突变系提供了有益的尝试。
With some key enzymes being cloned in the TIAs biosynthetic pathway, it is possible to produce the alkaloids in the plant cell by the metabolic engineering.
With some key enzymes being cloned in the TIAs biosynthetic pathway, it is possible to produce the alkaloids in the plant cell by the metabolic engineering.