Using Dr. Williams's method, astronaut George completed the first seed-to-seed experiment in space, and moved one plant closer to a garden in space.
The trace-element fertilizer 'Plant Vigour 2003' was applied to natural pastures and its effectiveness in improving forage yield was examined in this experiment.
The article introduced the experiment of the settling mode for suspended solids in cyanide waste water and its application to pretreatment of cyanide waste water in ammonia plant.
In their experiment, the scientists showed that light shone on to one leaf caused the whole plant to respond.
In this paper, a 15n tracer pot experiment was installed to study the effect of incorporating corn stalk and stubble into black soil on the nitrogen transformation in soil-plant ecosystem.
To make good understanding for mode or degree of those factors to successful plant transformation will be of importance to the experiment design and the results analysis.
According to the characteristics of the plant physiology experiment, this article explored how to realize diathesis education in the experiment teaching process.
The starch qualitative experiment can determine the attribute of the artificial increased pigment according to the special phenomenon that plant starch with iodine union can produce blue color.
Objective to discuss the soil environment quality effected on Ling-Zhi medicinal materials in GAP experiment base. Provide science support to constitute and establish Ling-Zhi GAP plant base build.
The effect on the rice growth in heading and flowering period by SO2 emitted from natural gas purification plant and fell to the ground has been tested through fumigation experiment.
The influence of the microbe growing of the coke plant wastewater reused to the cooling water system was clear by microbe controlling experiment.
A one-factor experiment was designed to investigate the effects of plant extracts on growth performance and slaughter characteristics in meat-type ducks in the late growth stage.
The experiment result showed that after being fertilized for one year the reclaimed land could be used to plant crops and yielded more crops than local natural soil.
According to the character of the cotton dyeing pretreatment wastewater from a dyeing pretreatment plant, the waste acid from steel plant were chosen to do the coagulation-sedimentation experiment.
Our experiment provided valuable evidences for the studies on change of plant community to ecological factors and provided a predictive tool for community structure and dynamics.
Single factor contrast pot experiment was carried out to study on the growth of flowering Chinese cabbage and cadmium accumulation in plant under different concentrations cadmium stress.
The experiment provided us with some clues to make Fissistigma oldhamii as a good plant antifungal agent.
In the experiment a kind of mushroom under the premise that in the hands of farmers to promote, led farmers to plant and raise their income, poverty at an early date.
The experiment analyzed gravity's effect on plant development, trying to solve the riddle of how a plant determines which way is "up."
This experiment chose common maize Zhengdan 958 as the target plant material to investigate the effects of combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizers on yield and quality of maize and.
This experiment chose common maize Zhengdan 958 as the target plant material to investigate the effects of combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizers on yield and quality of maize and.