The surplus of cabbages has driven prices down, so farmers have to get rid of them in preparation for the coming planting season.
Rice planting season begins in April and May.
Spring is planting season for the sows, and training time for the boars.
Spring is planting season in summer cultivation, fall harvest a matter of course, then the winter then?
A harsh mountain winter ends the short planting season abruptly. The margin between starvation and survival is slender.
And normally people return back to their villages to do the agricultural work in preparation for the planting season.
However, some recovery may occur ahead of planting season in the corn Belt to prevent a further loss in acreage to corn.
The winter planting season, starting end May, early June, will soon be upon us in the Sahel. It lasts three months on average.
With a planting season last only half a year, most processing industries do not have enough supply to keep up with the production.
It is noticeable that agricultural prices have held up better than most, perhaps because weather patterns are affecting the us planting season.
And then the next planting season, when they sang the dirge, they would remove as many names of the dead, that equaled as many people that were born.
Then, in the run-up to the annual planting season, the Xiximes would hang the bones from roofs and trees-enticements to the spirits to help the crops along.
At the end of the month, Grain Stocks and Perspective Plantings will give some insight as will the weather forecasts as we get closer to the planting season.
Farmers in western Kenya miss out on the benefits of fertiliser because, by the time the planting season arrives they have often spent their earnings from the previous harvest.
Similar to the spring festivals of other cultures, Tomb Sweeping Day celebrates the rebirth of nature, while marking the beginning of the planting season and other outdoor activities.
An optimum planting density must be employed to get a high yield, depending upon soil condition, varietal tillering ability, fertilizer level, number of plants per hill, and planting season.
With the cost of food, fuel and fertiliser at historic heights, poor Swazi farmers could be back where they were last year before the planting season: unable to afford the basics to sow their land.
The ups and downs at different levels, with the planting season to the changes in a variety of the fresh element is the introduction of which will naturally infiltrate into people's activities.
Young sprouts of Hevea planting materials at various seasons were examined in relation to the water-retaining capacity and osmotic substance which were employed to determine optimum planting season.
Afterwards during the season of subsidence, the water would subside, or recede, revealing a new layer of fertile black silt and allowing for the planting of various crops.
It's a good season for planting trees.
I like spring best because it's a good season for planting trees.
Wheat farmers there traditionally plant winter wheat one year, leave the field fallow for a season, and use conventional tillage before the next wheat planting.
Recently, the water Ministry announced that Turkey had doubled the water flow into the Euphrates, salvaging the planting phase of the rice season in some areas.
Planting may be designed according to season so that different parts of a garden bloom at different times.
But then she said, Hsu was not planting and breeding law, two years Jipen gardenia are open only to season, they wilt die.
The new study says that during the growing season: an average gardener spends 3 or 4 hours a week working in the garden digging, cutting, planting and watering.
The new study says that during the growing season: an average gardener spends 3 or 4 hours a week working in the garden digging, cutting, planting and watering.