No matter what the shape of cutting tools is, failure procedures are simply divided into three stages: brittle failure, plastic failure, and fracture.
The fracture strength of rectangular plate with inclined crack is analyzed considering two failure modes of elastic fracture and fully plastic failure respectively.
Studying the variety laws of the plastic failure, distortion and stress of soft and hard rocks alternate-layered roof with the constant vertical stress only the horizontal stress changing.
The same plastic toys to the three children, but they are very different responses to failure.
Failure mechanism of idler was analyzed comprehensively. Major properties of a new type plastic idler were introduced. The development trend of idlers was pointed out.
Buckling and plastic collapse of the stiffened panels which is composed of the deck, bottom plating and side shell easily causes the overall failure of a ship hull girder.
According to capacity design philosophy, brittle shear failure inside ductile members must be inhibited, to insure adequate rotation capacity of the plastic hinge.
This technology keeps the casing in an elastic state in the whole thermal recovery process without plastic deformation taking place, and thus resolves the problem of thermal casing failure.
The experimental results show that the failure of specimens will be either hydraulic fracturing or shearing plastic flow, it depends on the initial principal stress ratio.
On the basis stated above, a numerical method of plastic dynamics and material failure judgment are used to analyze the causes of joint failure from the aspects of structure and internal pressure.
Through analysis, the failure reason was confirmed as that the low cycle fatigue caused by plastic deformation occurred in the lead alloy, thus the fracture occurred.
Analysis of synthesis of response presented at the end of the paper reveal two modes of structural responses: 1 contact plastic shakedown and 2 progressive failure.
Finally, according to passive failure theory, the stress SLATE in plastic soil zone outside cluster of piles is presented.
It is a crucial step for destructive physical analysis (DPA) and failure analysis (fa) to remove the plastic package for the die exposing.
Fork failure of a forklift truck mainly takes a form of plastic deformation exceeding allowable limit, fragile breakage and early stage fatigue breakage.
Failure mode of tooth surface is varied such as teeth surface pitting, teeth wear, teeth bonding and teeth plastic deformations and so on.
The plastic limit analysis made in this paper shows that one-way shear failure cannot be the most critical among possible shear-type failures of pile-caps at corners.
The slope stability analysis is studied with the nonlinear failure criterion based on the plastic upper limit theorem.
With the help of plastic hinge theory and collapse theory, the formulas for calculating strength failure load and the method for computing collapse load were established respectively.
Plastic flow failure is mainly induced by building up of excess-static pore pressure.
The materials are assumed to be rigid-perfectly plastic. Modified Coulomb failure criteria with tension cut-off are adopted to predict yielding of concrete.
The results show that hot-forged cast dies take thermal wear, plastic deformation, thermal fatigue, impact fatigue fracture and brittle fracture as predominant failure patterns.
The results show that the great plastic yield areas and pull failure areas are formed in the base structure with caved area extends.
The simplified formula of ultimate tension load is obtained in view of mix plastic-cone tension failure mode of the M10 plastic embedded part.
针对M 10型预埋件的塑胶-锥体复合拉伸破坏形态,得出极限拉伸荷载的简化计算公式。
This paper investigates one of the failure modes of suspension membrane structures-plastic tensile collapse of the membrane.
There are many failure modes of plastic parts during trial molding process. Every failure mode is in relation to improper designs.
Furthermore, the failure assessment curve method is a feasible method for notch elastic-plastic fracture assessment.
The value of lateral stiffness ratio has significant influence on the place of weak story, elastic-plastic distortion and failure characteristic.
The value of lateral stiffness ratio has significant influence on the place of weak story, elastic-plastic distortion and failure characteristic.