Twenge and her team make a point of saying that they are not trying to establish causes as such, but that they are assessing the plausibility of potential causes.
This time around, Twenge and her team make a point of saying that they are not trying to establish causes as such, but that they are assessing the plausibility of potential causes.
Test input for plausibility and validity.
Even the minimal criterion of plausibility does not worry them at all.
Let us consider the charges she faces, and the legal plausibility of those charges.
You can define specific plausibility checks for the entry of attendances and absences.
The new Paradigm includes rational choice theory, plausibility theory, and Ritual theory.
Truth, for most men, meant plausibility; to be measured by the number of votes you could get.
But, today, this promise of infinite future for the results of our work lost any plausibility.
Like most myths and legends, the plausibility revolved mostly around how well the story was told.
Still, proponents of the vitamin d-autism link say there is biological plausibility to their theory.
We can add plausibility to this statemenut by considering how a photon carries away angular momentum.
The knowledge reduction method based on fuzzy belief measures and fuzzy plausibility measures are introduced.
This gives the prospects for this generation of biofuels a plausibility that was missing from its predecessors.
These historical data can be of value if they are used to check the plausibility of the climate change models.
The requirement for biological plausibility should not unduly influence negatively a consideration of causality.
The study can prove the plausibility of using Construction Grammar for analyzing English and Chinese sentences, esp. the special ones.
He said that the RIAA has to present at least some facts to show the plausibility of their allegations of copyright infringement against the defendant.
The c-design Assessment is usually based on a complete plausibility check of the loads, the rotor blades, the machinery components as well as of the tower and foundation.
G., both of whom had broad expertise in primary and revision conventional and navigated knee arthroplasty, evaluated the clinical relevance and plausibility of the findings.
The plausibility of chart reading, in our opinion, derives largely from its insistence on the sound gambling maxim that losses should be cut short and profits allowed to run.
However, it is given some plausibility as we follow the fate of Victor h, a visitor to the us who finds himself falling into an administrative crack that lasts for nine months.
New drive asset management capabilities are also available that include Siemens SIMOCODE intelligent drive devices, detailed fault indication and high performance plausibility logic.
To attain the C-Design Assessment for prototypes (see Section 1.2.2), it is necessary that a plausibility check of the prototype be performed on the basis of the design documentation.
要进行C样机设计评审(见1. 2.2节),必须在设计文件基础上,对样机进行合理性校核。
To attain the C-Design Assessment for prototypes (see Section 1.2.2), it is necessary that a plausibility check of the prototype be performed on the basis of the design documentation.
要进行C样机设计评审(见1. 2.2节),必须在设计文件基础上,对样机进行合理性校核。