They took a leaf out of the open source play-book and made all their services into internal open source systems.
He could not watch TV except for two programs a week, could not play with his friends after school until he finished his homework, and had to read two books a week and write book reports about them.
This was not the time to take risks; he knew he should play it by the rule book.
I am an active playgoer and play reader, and perhaps my best reason for editing this book is the hope of sharing my enthusiasm for the theater with others.
A dialogue is a conversation between two people in a book, film or play.
There you can work on the computer, play a game, or read a book.
I have a useful book. It is about how to play basketball.
Let your kids choose what movie to watch, meal to have for dinner, game to play or book to read.
She learned to play bridge, went on a family vacation and read a book about something other than dying.
Aristophanes' play sometimes is even included in certain editions of the book you're reading like this one it has the edition of Aristophanes' Clouds in it along with the Apology and Crito.
I never know when it is okay to relax, or when it is okay to take a break and play that video game, read a book, or some other leisure activity.
It seems sometimes that Mr Ostler, fascinated by ancient uses of language, wanted to write a different sort of book but was persuaded by his publisher to play up the English angle.
He breaks his book down into exercises you can do "At Home," "At Play," "At Work," "out and About" and "Anytime, Anywhere."
So last Wednesday, Trey came home and read a book — but said he was looking forward to the weekend, when he could play his favorite video game.
Golf’s rules have been called arcane and it is not unusual to see play stopped while a P.G.A. official arrives with rule book in hand and pronounces in the manner of an I.R.S. official.
高尔夫规则十分晦涩繁复。 如果比赛中途打断是因为一个职业高尔夫协会人员正拿着一本规则书以国税局的派头在宣读规则,那一点都不奇怪。
The book was full of clear and concise examples that I could use to easily play around with MongoDB and get a feel for using it.
Adapted screenplays are derived from previously published material (often a novel, but possibly a play, short story, poem, song, comic book, etc).
Expecting the average person to think logically and critically is like expecting the average person to play the piano or write a book.
And this book shatters a big myth: he did not force Mr Nadal to play left-handed; "Rafa" is ambidextrous.
For instance, he Yuzhang says peers in his hometown are prone to equate happiness with material wealth such as housing, but care little about a new book or theater play.
The seventh thing to be found in a book-loving home is that the parents usually take parenting seriously. They role-play parenting like mad.
During those days, he did not play wildly as usual in his grandparents' home. Instead, he went back home very early and held the book silently.
If you want to make your penguin play, then this book can help you to make the game of your dreams.
Things have been kicked up a few notches, and some negotiators don't play fair.This book will tell you what's going on, and how to handle it.
He often surprised people with his precise recall of a book or play that he was reading, or had read many years ago, and its application to a current situation.
Members can also form book clubs, play trivia games, and browse famous quotes.
The poor guys year book photo was of him and himself only. We had a small play ground, and our cheerleading group used tree branches as pom poms.
The poor guys year book photo was of him and himself only. We had a small play ground, and our cheerleading group used tree branches as pom poms.