Gene Deckerhoff does radio play-by-play for Florida State.
Researchers studied three decades of Major League Baseball batting averages and play-by-play data.
During competitions, UCI will be broadcasting the tournament to the world with play-by-play announcers.
ABC play-by-play announcer Al Michaels managed to tell viewers, "We'rehaving an earth—" before the signal went dead.
If you are following me on Twitter over the past week, you've no doubt been inundated with my live play-by-play of the entire experience.
Playing with friends at home, I always imagined the booming ESPN voice of Chris Berman giving the play-by-play of our street football games.
Stars like Lou Gehrig and Joe DiMaggio drew fans into the stadium, and those who could not attend the games gathered around their radios to listen to the play-by-play.
I help him sometimes with his French homework, though, if I let him, he will interrupt the conjugations to give me a play-by-play analysis of whatever game Cal has just played.
And Presley still cant believe how many similarities there are in the drug-related deaths of the two men she loved: "Down to the play-by-play-by-play incident, it was identical."
JCF: I don't know if you're aware of this, but our play-by-play guy Craig Ackerman won't stop gushing about Von, and has even confessed to having a serious man-crush on Mr. Wafer.
To find a quantitative way to rank players, co-author and Northwestern graduate student Josh Waitzman first wrote software to pull play-by-play statistical information from the 2008 Euro Cup website.
为了找到一种方法量化球员的表现来排名,该论文的合作作者,西北大学毕业生Josh Waitzman首先写了一个软件,从 2008欧洲杯网站上下载了比赛的详细统计数据。
There is a danger, of course, that play may be misinterpreted or not recognized as play by others, potentially leading to aggression.
But simple substitution cyphers can be fun to play with, especially in an RPG context by handing someone an encoded message that they can work out during game play.
I used to play there because I liked to play by myself and I thought no one knew I was there.
If parents cannot play with their kids directly, even having the children play with toys by themselves can be beneficial, the AAP says.
Look for somebody who is respected by coworkers, who doesn't play office politics and who understands the role that you and your department play in the company.
I would play a small part in a new play by the husband of my classmate Olga Knipper—Anton Chekhov.
This happened in the case of a critic who made the mistake of reading a play written by a close friend. The critic disliked the play a lot.
"I think you score points by how you play as much as who is playing, and I think my gut is the volume of how fast we play is going up," he said.
Rhapsody 25: if you click a play button next to a specific song, the Yahoo! Media Player will appear on the page and play the full length track, powered by Rhapsody.
Unfortunately, by default you won't be able to play them, but with a simple download we can make iTunes play Ogg Vorbis files.
Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules. Then you must forget the rules and play from your heart.
So, the thing is to make as few mistakes as possible, that is, do not try to play half by memory and half not… you must play everything right, if possible.
No. I learned to play the piano, but never had classical training. I just play it by ear.
The new play was good and everybody enjoyed it. By the time we got there, the play had already begun.
It's a battle of nature versus nurture, with a scientific twist. The play delves into questions of whether man can "play god", by creating life through science.
Huang Village hollow gap, scattered by Shaitai, far from looking like a stage, in this stage, the total play from ancient to modern times throughout the year play.
Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules. Then you must forget the rules and play from your heart.
Not long after that, they will be able to play video games, either by downloading the game to their handsets or by using their mobile phones to play games with others.
Not long after that, they will be able to play video games, either by downloading the game to their handsets or by using their mobile phones to play games with others.