You will be given a list of pieces that you'll have to prepare for a little bit, and then we will play out of those particular pieces.
"I want to play out of doors," Mary answered, hoping that her voice did not tremble.
And to give girls everywhere infinitely more ways to spark their imagination and play out their stories.
In a statement on its website, the company says it wants Barbies to look more like real people, and to give girls everywhere infinitely more ways to spark their imagination and play out their stories.
In the 1980s, he says, the savings and loan industry got into trouble because regulators and Congress allowed such a pattern to play out.
All of those things could add up to some boring basketball if they play out negatively.
We play out the next ten moves fairly rapidly, with only moderate bloodshed, and then Clare sits for awhile, pondering the board.
This is a huge hypothetical - but let's play out the disastrous chain of events that would happen if China began to divest.
So yes, you can see it play out in products and you can see it also play out in business models.
You might like to look at how these three strands play out in your life. Are they in balance?
Each approach has its own advantages and disadvantages, and they might play out differently in different situations.
So we play out this charade of happy families and most of the time life trundles along much as before, more or less happily.
因此我们维持着这字谜般的快乐家庭,大部分时候生活与以前没什么不同地——多多少少快乐地—— 向前滚动着。
Versioning does not obsolete the service development life cycle, but it enables the life cycle to play out over successive generations.
Reading a play out loud so that the various characters are more or less recognizable and come to life takes a certain concentration.
They then devised a computer model that attempted to show how these would play out in each of 139 low- and middle-income countries.
We're talking about venturing into unknown territory, and no one knows exactly how these changes would play out.
Expect that to continue with his next offering, which will also play out across multiple media (television, toys, games).
One wrong decision can seal your fate, though that fate may take many seasons to play out.
So scientists, unfortunately, may have a chance to see how this inadvertent experiment on our planet starts to play out.
Many gold bulls believe that it could be surpassed if the worst-case scenarios in the eurozone and the US play out.
Back on the hiking trail in Spain, I saw this play out in myriad ways.
You can see this cultural difference play out and create challenges between different functional groups within a company.
As I see it, there are four ways the European crisis could play out (and it may play out differently in different countries).
The rules of attraction, it turns out, seem sometimes to play out in our subconscious.
Could Congress have demanded that all negotiations play out in public?
The difficult bit is explaining to people who say: 'you're just happy to play out your career there,' - that I'm not.
The difficult bit is explaining to people who say: 'you're just happy to play out your career there,' - that I'm not.