Everyone should play a part in protecting the environment.
Even though scientists play a part in transmitting information to journalists and ultimately the public, too often the blame for ineffective communication is placed on the side of the journalists.
Everyone should play a part in the environmental protection.
Everyone should play a part in the "Clean Plate Campaign" and say no to food waste.
Its relationship to its immediate environment seems to play a part in which behavior will display.
An autism charity says genetics only play a part in the disorder.
Professor King says loss of culture, land and language all play a part in poor health.
Tannins may also play a part in the beneficial health aspects of moderate red wine drinking.
Proteins, vitamins and amino acids may all play a part in the health benefits of eating fish.
Resources and programs where users anywhere can play a part in shaping and recreating the content.
The type and frequency of the customizations will play a part in where the customization is performed.
Good health is key if older people are to remain independent and to play a part in family and community life.
While genetics are thought to play a part in autism, the condition is not inherited in a straightforward way.
That would be a blow for the prime minister, who is keen to play a part in the delicate negotiations for a new treaty.
When you're developing your game, have a think about how the iPhone's unique controls can play a part in your game.
EMOTION is said to play a part in many car purchases, but it is less likely to be a factor when buying a car company.
Every image is different and the amount of resolution in your image will play a part in your feather amount required.
And fear of that sound itself could play a part in keeping some people from getting their regularly-scheduled check-up.
Experts say doctors, patients and pharmacists can all play a part in identifying and preventing prescription drug abuse.
For those of you who own consoles: Did the ability for the console to remain current play a part in your decision to buy it?
They tracked the group over a ten year period, analysing what factors might play a part in their survival and mortality rates.
So various factors, from eating to circulatory health to the ambient temperature, play a part in how long you could go without water.
Vela could well play a part in tomorrow’s Carling Cup game though and he’s got to show that he can respond to being left out in recent weeks.
But if pictures of burgers can sell meaty meals, maybe fresh fruit and veggie food photos can play a part in the campaign for healthier kids.
Determining a pragmatic balance between technical efforts and time to market is critical, since cost can play a part in the SOA development process.
There is a chance, however, that the midfielder will play a part in his club's game against Birmingham City despite his recent adductor muscle injury.
Researchers are now planning to examine whether facial symmetry could also play a part in identifying those who might be at an increased risk of illness.
Today, it should encourage us to give full play to our own intelligence and wisdom, and even more to play a part in building a prosperous and strong motherland!
The sheer compulsion of reliable and almost immediate reward is being linked to similar chemical systems in the brain that may also play a part in drug addiction.
The sheer compulsion of reliable and almost immediate reward is being linked to similar chemical systems in the brain that may also play a part in drug addiction.