Questions like these mean that interest in the psychology of smell is inevitably set to play an increasingly important role for researchers.
I expect the IMF to play an increasingly important role as a global lender of last resort.
Movies with its unique artistic charm in People's Daily life play an increasingly important role.
With the rise of social networking, weibo systems play an increasingly important role in everyday life.
National Programme Officers like Bushra play an increasingly important role in the work of WHO worldwide.
It facilitate centralized control of the use of resources in schools play an increasingly important role.
With China 's entry into the WTO, the letter of credit will play an increasingly important role in our foreign trade.
However, it appears that multimedia has finally started to play an increasingly important role in today's computer world.
Mathematics as a thinking tool play an increasingly important role in various disciplines and all aspects of social life.
With the development of the reform in the circulation field, chain operating enterprises play an increasingly important role.
Meanwhile, individuals, corporations, and civil society play an increasingly important role in shaping events around the world.
And the genes involved in the regulation of tumor angiogenesis play an increasingly important role in the field of tumor researches.
With the development of transnational communications and inter-dependence, non-nation participants play an increasingly important role.
Robotics technology, which will play an increasingly important role in all phases of human exploration in space, continues to make advances.
Standards play an increasingly important role in the on Demand Operating Environment, on both the application and infrastructure layers (see Figure 2).
Cities are centers of population and the center of energy consumption, and play an increasingly important role in the consumption of carbon emissions.
Better insulation, high quality laminated woods, even repurposed or recycled materials — all will play an increasingly important role in home fabrication.
Worldwide, these heroes of the new economy changed the business environment and their companies play an increasingly important role in the global economy.
As the traditional journalism business continues to implode, the almost-journalists will come to play an increasingly important role in the media ecosystem.
As a new tourism form, the theme parks play an increasingly important role in the tourism industry to break the traditional resource-oriented development model.
Furthermore, the company says many experts believe that the downstream sector, on which Conergy has focused, will play an increasingly important role from 2009 onwards.
The EU will in the future in regional and international affairs to play an increasingly important role in the 21st century the world situation changes very important.
As people improve the standard of living, cars play an increasingly important role in people's life. Vehicle safety and traffic safety becomes a hot issue of concern.
Modern molecular biotechnology which is developed recently, has avoided these shortages and play an increasingly important role in the study of environmental microbiology.
But these days, it's very clear that technology must play an increasingly important role preparing kids for a world where mastery of thinking machines is the key survival skill.
But these days, it's very clear that technology must play an increasingly important role preparing kids for a world where mastery of thinking machines is the key survival skill.