Why do my videos recorded with xvidcap play back too fast?
EasyMock records this invocation so it knows what to play back later.
Testers can record and play back on such applications and generate test scripts.
One day such implanted electrodes might let us log and play back our thoughts and dreams.
The final commands need to be modified to play back your generated sound file accurately.
It'll play back MP3, OGG, MP4, and 3gpp files, and offers up basic playlist and gesture support.
它能播放MP 3,OGG,MP4和3gpp文件,并提供了基本的播放列表支持。
Use the full function remote control to manage the play back of your photos, movies, and music.
Next I get the mock ready to play back its recorded data by invoking the EasyMock.replay() method
接下来,通过调用 EasyMock.replay()方法,让mock准备重放记录的数据
If you want the script to play back faster and with fewer warnings, set the recognition scores high.
It would be advantageous for scripts written against one platform to "play back" against all of them.
To record, press these two buttons together; then rewind, and then press the red button to play back.
It must be able to play back a fixed set of captured screens for benchmarking and product coexistence.
For example, a lot of devices play back YouTube content. But they can't offer all the videos on YouTube.
This article shows how to create and play back custom sound files based on the content of incoming E-mail messages.
You can then immediately play back this code with no further revision necessary to perform simple simulation testing.
The Siebel support enables you to capture and play back GUI-level interactions using Siebel object models and events.
Siebel支持可以让您利用 Siebel对象模型和事件获取并回放 GUI 级别的交互。
ScriptAssure helps you create resilient scripts that play back even when the application under test has been updated.
As the sadness and finality set in, my instinct was to play back the tapes in my mind - all the little ways I let him down.
Play back almost every day chatting on the Internet, the netizen came to his help, her cousin knew but did not say to me.
You can either play back the generated script as-is, or you can edit the script in some fashion to better suit your needs.
As the sadness and finality set in, my instinct was to play back the tapes in my mind -all the little ways I let him down.
When finished, I hung up the phone, and the result was a simple slide show that anyone in my family could play back with ease.
Furthermore, you can record and play back SAP applications accessible from a Web interface (by generating SAP Web constructs).
此外,您还可以从一个Web接口(通过生成SAP Web构建)记录和回放SAP应用程序。
Various automation tools enable testers to record and play back a test script and then to reuse the same script at a later time.
You can then later play back the recording, and the tool will check whether all checked values are the same as the remembered values.
Once that's done, the DataLine.Info object is fed to the AudioSystem to get a clip, which is the easiest way to play back an audio clip.
一旦完成,DataLine . Info对象就提供给AudioSystem,得到一个Clip,这是播放音频片段最简单的方法。
You can automatically play back a sequence of timelines by chaining them. You can also use this feature for automatically looping a timeline.
You want to change because you want to change, not for anyone, is afraid that people will disappoint you, you have to play back to prototype.
Preview - While editing at high zoom levels, use the Preview window to view the canvas scaled out; play back animations in the Preview window.
Preview - While editing at high zoom levels, use the Preview window to view the canvas scaled out; play back animations in the Preview window.