Mr. Mail Man, Mr. Insurance Man, Mr. White and Chocolate Milk Man, Mr. Landlord Man, Mr. Policewe: we called white people by their trade, like characters in a mystery play.
Mr. Mail Man, Mr. Insurance Man, Mr. White and Chocolate Milk Man, Mr. Landlord Man, Mr. Police Man: we called white people by their trade, like characters in a mystery play.
Chinese culture is like the game of go, the rules of which are clear, simple and easy to follow, but until you begin to play it, you do not see the mystery and complexity involved in it.
It's still a mystery what the function of sleep is and the roles dreams play in sleep.
Who these guests will be and what role they will play is a mystery that has stoked an atmosphere of feverish, and occasionally outlandish, speculation.
The woman is like a harp, it only knows how to play it to reveal the artist wonderful mystery in tune.
The precise cause of autoimmune diseases remains a mystery, but most scientists believe a combination of genetic and environmental factors come into play.
This mystery a magic let me, know to want to play some magic tricks, but I want to know what liu qian is let two coin to penetrate glass.
It's the perfect ending for a murder mystery and enormous fun for those who get to play sleuth.
They have made their teachings alive through me, and my life has become a Pleiadian mystery play, which has led me into the heartbeat of my multidimensional soul.
Entertainment performed between the ACTS of a medieval mystery or morality play.
This month, moviegoers get to see the older, wiser, still-stunning Berry play an investigative reporter in Perfect Stranger, a murder mystery costarring Bruce Willis.
Medieval 'mystery' play cycles, e. g. the Chester cycle, the York Cycle.
It is his typical style of narrate and peculiar hint of the theme that play an important role to understand his mystery of the work.
Since daybreak the multitude had been waiting for three things-the hour of noon, the Flemish ambassadors, and the Mystery-Play.
Men play hard to get in order to appear more confident and intriguing while by playing hard-to-get, a woman establishes a sense of mystery about herself.
Men play hard to get in order to appear more confident and intriguing while by playing hard-to-get, a woman establishes a sense of mystery about herself.