If he seems to be busy at the computer, he is probably playing a game online.
They are probably playing a game and have forgotten about the water.
In one test, Peng's team collected brainwaves from volunteers who had either been playing a game or meditating.
Before playing a game you should stretch your legs and arms.
The next day when the children were playing a game, Mary fell down and was hurt very badly.
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope caught Jupiter's moon, Ganymede, seemingly playing a game of peek-a-boo in this image in April 2007.
Sometimes it believed it was playing a game.
Some people think that playing a game is fun only when you win, which I disagree.
Sharing tribal knowledge about games makes the experience of playing a game better.
But when you're playing a game on your PC, you're just playing a computer's artificial intelligence.
But on this May afternoon in a cramped classroom northeast of Moscow, Garriott is not playing a game.
Then imagine that you and I are playing a game of poker and you have 10 chips and I have 200 chips.
A change of environment, being with other people, possibly even dancing or playing a game will do you good.
Before the experiment proper starts, the researcher explains that you'll be playing a game against another participant.
I was playing a game the other day, in which you have to come up with fruit that starts with every letter of the alphabet.
Playing a game keeps your mind working (versus, say, watching TV), but doesn't have any of the energy-sapping stresses of work.
When you start playing a game or watching a HD video, it will automatically switch to the powerful nVidia or ATi graphics card.
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope caught Jupiter's moon, Ganymede, seemingly playing a game of peek-a-boo in this image from April 2007.
While playing a game or doing something you shouldn't at work, you can quickly tap the StealthSwitch when you hear your boss approaching.
In such moments, when everything is at stake, appearances, politeness, the awareness that one is' playing a game ', matter more than ever.
LLGP has a nice KDE theme, XMMS with on-screen display so you can see the song title while playing a game — and of course, a lot of games.
Riding a bike, taking a walk, playing a game, listening to music, or just doing nothing for a while can give kids some much-needed downtime.
She herself has opted for a legal union instead of marriage, but she says she worries that it could undermine customs. "it's almost like playing a game."
While playing a game or doing something you shouldn't, just glance up at the C.H.I.M.P. Rearview Monitor Mirror to see if your boss is approaching from behind.
当你打游戏或做其它不该做的事情时,不时瞄一眼c.h.i.m. P. RearviewMonitorMirror,看看你的老板是不是正在从你的身后偷偷接近。
While playing a game or doing something you shouldn't, just glance up at the C.H.I.M.P. Rearview Monitor Mirror to see if your boss is approaching from behind.
当你打游戏或做其它不该做的事情时,不时瞄一眼c.h.i.m. P. RearviewMonitorMirror,看看你的老板是不是正在从你的身后偷偷接近。