Worst of all, for a playwright specializing in characters who use the vernacular, he has a tin ear for dialogue.
A medieval manuscript called L contains all eighteen extant tragedies by the Greek playwright Euripides.
Peter Pan, created by Scottish novelist and playwright J.M. Barrie.
Each play has a theme or central idea which the playwright hopes to get across through dialogue and action.
It is not my intention to point out the central theme of each of the plays in this collection, for that would, indeed, ruin the pleasure of reading, discussing, and thinking about the plays and the effectiveness of the playwright.
This became so popular that a playwright almost had to include it in every play, which is why it's called: the obligatory scene.
A Greek playwright back in 500 BC.
Moliere, the French playwright wrote a play called Tartuffe.
Only when he began to work as a playwright did his fortunes improve.
A year later, the Playwright isn't yet part of Barclays' culture.
If the identification is correct it alters what we know about the playwright.
Shakespeare continued to act in his own and other plays after his success as a playwright.
Playwright Neil Simon recalls what happened after his first hit play, Come Blow Your Horn.
剧作家尼尔·西蒙回忆起他创作完第一部卖座剧作ComeBlow Your Horn发生的点点滴滴。
playwright, painter, sculpter, I don't know anything else you can...Oh, other visual lots.
Sergei Mikhalkov had talent aplenty, as a poet, playwright, children's writer and satirist.
Greek playwright back in 500 BC. Many historians consider him the father of Greek tragedies.
"Asked Gail Parrish, 60, a playwright in Alexandria, Va.", and a mother of four grown children.
A Czech playwright, Karel Capek, gave them their name in 1920 (from the Slavonic word for "work").
So I called Neil, a disabled playwright who lives in a large apartment building in my neighborhood.
Terrence McNally, another playwright and close friend, describes Wasserstein’s “charismatic star quality”.
DreamWorks has tapped playwright-screenwriter Ronald Harwood to pen its Martin Luther King Jr. biopic.
梦工厂敲定戏剧作家-电影编剧 罗纳德·哈伍德[Ronald Harwood ]来编写其马丁·路德·金传记电影的剧本。
The playwright does something remarkable in this scene, but without any impression of straining after an effect.
The Playwright, 75 metres from the bank’s front door, was a time-honoured gathering place for Lehman’s employees.
The Playwright, 75 metres from the bank's front door, was a time-honoured gathering place for Lehman's employees.
In 1952, the playwright George Axelrod appropriated the term for a Broadway play about a husband’s desire to stray.
1952年,剧作家乔治•阿克塞尔罗德(George Axelrod)把这个词用在了一出百老汇戏剧中,这部戏讲的是丈夫出轨的故事。
In 1952, the playwright George Axelrod appropriated the term for a Broadway play about a husband’s desire to stray.
1952年,剧作家乔治•阿克塞尔罗德(George Axelrod)把这个词用在了一出百老汇戏剧中,这部戏讲的是丈夫出轨的故事。