And please don't ask me how you look with my glasses because I'm without glasses so I can't see you!
To help us identify new bugs and minimize duplicate reports, please read the known issues, useful tips and have a look on the discussion forum to see if others have reported similar issues.
Please, Mr Postman, look and see if there's a letter in your bag for me.
Please hold this hand mirror and look in your mouth, can you see the redness in your gums?
Please have a careful look at the catalogue and see what will interest your end - user.
Let me see here. Your eyes and ears look fine. Take a deep breath, please. Do you smoke, Mr. Smith?
Quaere that what does the other copper fitting on this scabbard look, and please post the pics and see whether it matches well or not.
To help us identify new bugs and minimize duplicate reports, please read the known issues, useful tips and have a look on the discussion forum to see if others have reported similar issues. Thanks!
Today we'll go to the zoo, now please imagine what animals will you see in the zoo? Look at some photos of animals and say their names. .
Today we'll go to the zoo, now please imagine what animals will you see in the zoo? Look at some photos of animals and say their names. .