A boy swore to a girl: 'Honey, do please marry me, otherwise I'll die'.
Please marry me, be my lifelong soul mate and let me look after you and us forever.
Nothing says I'm too lazy to get offline like an E-mail with the subject line "will you marry me." And please don't think adding in a clever kissy smiley face will help matters at all.
His understanding and opinions all please me; he wants nothing but a little more liveliness, and that, if he marry prudently, his wife may teach him.
Peak did not sit, it is imperative to ask the farmers: "? Old man, please allow me to marry your daughter, your wife really. ""
If you to me and some won't, please come back for me to, I don't want to find a I do not love girl to marry.
If you to me and some won't, please come back for me to, I don't want to find a I do not love girl to marry.