That includes pledged delegates from primaries and caucuses, as well as superdelegates.
Proportional representation makes it hard for either candidate to claim big chunks of pledged delegates in one bite.
Mr Obama now has more pledged delegates than his rival-and he is likely to remain the front-runner for at least another three weeks (see article).
If Mrs Clinton cannot catch up with Mr Obama in pledged delegates, Mr Obama also has no chance of reaching the 2,025 delegates that would secure him the nomination.
If Mrs Clinton cannot catch up with Mr Obama in pledged delegates, Mr Obama also has no chance of reaching the 2, 025 delegates that would secure him the nomination.
Because Obama leads in the number of regular delegates pledged, Clinton would need to win the superdelegates' support by a wide margin to receive the nomination.
Now, he will encourage those 19 delegates pledged to him to vote for Mr Obama, further lengthening the already near-impossible odds for Mrs Clinton.
While Barack Obama leads in both pledged and super delegates in the fight for the nomination, Hillary Rodham Clinton expects a big win in the Mountain State.
While Barack Obama leads in both pledged and super delegates in the fight for the nomination, Hillary Rodham Clinton expects a big win in the Mountain State.