Our spirit has access to this world through the mind in the same way that we plug into the phone socket to get internet access.
But the way you pick the individual values to plug into the model can cause trouble.
For every device you plug into the wall, you're running at least 110 volts of electricity through a length of wire.
Everyone bought a hear-phone to plug into the socket, fixed on his desk, to listen to English all day without stopping.
Rear fuselages made in Hamburg were supposed to arrive in Toulouse with all their wiring ready to plug into the forward parts coming in from factories in north and west France.
The Jack PC from Chip PC Technologies offers a neat and novel thin-client desktop computing solution where the computer doesn't just plug into the wall, it is the plug in the wall.
Although using GPIB is one way to bring data into a computer, it is fundamentally different from performing data acquisition, even though both use boards that plug into the computer.
When you purchase a lamp or a toaster, the "UL Certified" mark provides assurance that the appliance will plug into the socket in your wall and work with your home's electrical system.
So, in fact, you know, when you plug in these things, normally you get a quantity that's of a form, something times t plus a constant because that's what you plug into the equation of a plane.
The user can plug any accessory directly into the ball, like a lamp to study or a cell phone charger.
Before the electrical current puts into operation in a spark plug, the two points of contact have to be gapped.
Plug your tabletop lamp into a dimmer instead of the wall socket.
If the simulation can plug directly into a satellite database, it might even help future tugboat pilots safely steer with an iceberg in tow.
Now the plug-in repository you have specified is added into the repository list.
Drag and drop navigation sections from the plug-in into your own navigation template.
Next, you need to add the JAR files you just imported into the plug-in's classpath.
Copy the RJCB bridge plug-in (s) into the plug-ins folder of the target Eclipse platform folder. Each of the bridge plug-ins has in its section a reference to the Common plug-in.
You simply set the rate of your electricity cost and plug your appliance into the device, and a monitor calculates its energy cost.
The coupling is reduced by just having some smaller things you plug into something bigger, and the bigger object just calls the smaller object back.
The XSLT transformation file is used to transform the parameterized staff verb into the plug-in language and staff directory schema of the selected staff plug-in configuration.
A reference to an XSLT verb mapping file, which translates the parameterized verbs into the plug-in specific staff query language.
You also need to ensure that the plug-in is installed into the client plug-in directory on the database server.
Immediately plug these agile flame-spewing vehicles into the gaps you're defending.
You’re supposed to plug the first S5 directly into your router.
Users just have to plug their phone into the T-shirt for a quick top-up charge whenever they need it.
The plug will fit into a car's socket, with the other end fitting into a standard 110-volt or 220-volt outlet.
Import the certificate exported from the Web container key store into the plug-in key store.
Import the certificate exported from the Web container key store into the plug-in key store.