Most commonly used in deodorants to plug up your pores and to not allow you to sweat.
One is to stick to damaged surfaces of small blood vessels and literally plug up any holes that may develop.
If you want to fill a sink or bathtub with water, you need to do one thing first and that's stopper or plug up the drainpipe.
As the drugs slid up the IV into her arm, we watched stolid barges plug up the Hudson like islands, the water silver in the haze.
Better to plug up the ear that listens only for meaning, he suggests, than to render the ear that listens to speech itself superfluous by adding a third one.
A technique of temporary screen plugging for fractured reservoirs strata is proposed, by which the solid particles in the mud are used to plug up the fractures.
All screens must be equipped with some type of mechanism to continuously or intermittently clean the openings in the perforated barrier. Otherwise, the screen plate would rapidly plug up.
It's up to you to plug the leak—even though there are always a dozen reasons to stay stuck in your dull routines of life.
Scientific American spoke with Minor about the nature of SCDS, the toll it takes on those who suffer from it and why it's best to plug (rather than cover up) such an opening.
This article describes how to set up your development environment with all of the required plug-ins.
The plug-in displays all of this information in a pop-up , which is visible only during development mode.
此插件在一个弹出的 (只在开发模式下可见)中显示了所有这类信息。
Then, just plug your phone into your computer, start up the app, pick the playlists you want to sync, and let it go.
The use of plug-ins or apps to build up a trip idea, notion, inspiration and plan without actually having an engine at all.
Once you have set up the plug-in on both the client and database server, issue a connect statement to test the plug-in.
There are other scripts and artifacts that make up the plug-in, but these are the most significant ones.
The four UTMs were far from plug and play, with some frustrating snags and glitches cropping up during the installations.
These plug-ins, which make up the base of the IDE, can also be used to create other desktop applications.
It could be that I end up with a plug-in installed occasionally that I'll never use.
CSS is easy to set up because it doesn't need any plug-ins — setup is all done in a text file by defining rules.
I'd also like to show you an example of how you'd set up your plug-in architecture if you decided to write a function, as opposed to a method.
That earlier loss of fiscal control wrecked the Conservatives' low-tax reputation as they had to push up taxes in order to plug the hole.
早期的财政失控将迫使保守党们打破低税收的一贯作风- - -通过提高税收来填补财政赤字。
As a result, your plug-in can accept any type of HTML element, and it's up to your plug-in to define how to work with each element.
This will ensure that your Eclipse plug-in configuration is up to date.
At the center of BIRT is the report designer, which is a set of Eclipse plug-ins that make up the designer perspective providing drag-and-drop capabilities to quickly design reports.
There are two events that require the use of either (client-side or server-side) an authentication plug-in or group membership look-up plug-in
Kells noted that if required it can also be configured as a plug in hybrid and topped up from the mains.
Some plug-in error messages show up in the Windows event log.
After a few seconds, you'll notice a new workbench pop-up with your plug-in's sample action visible in the toolbar.
After a few seconds, you'll notice a new workbench pop-up with your plug-in's sample action visible in the toolbar.