This past week, a plumber completed work at my residence.
At the age of 74, he is still going strong as the oldest plumber in business in Boise, Idaho.
In my view, it is just as great an achievement to be a plumber or a bricklayer as it is to be a lawyer or a doctor.
It might then make sense that, as one would welcome a recommended plumber, regulators might be more willing to trust companies with stronger reputations.
Even without a high-school diploma, a black man can probably find a job if he looks. And some manual jobs, such as plumber or cable technician, pay quite well.
He had served his apprenticeship as a plumber.
He has compared it with plumbing, pointing out that a plumber doesn't wake up and say that he can't work with pipes today.
Remember Joe the Plumber? Sadly, so do we.
PLUS: 13 Things Your Plumber Won't Tell you.
A plumber and an electrician donated their services.
The threat of the mythical Polish plumber played strongly in France.
If he's not a plumber, he'll work at the power company or maybe BellSouth.
“You cannot make ends meet on 400 euros a month, ” declared one retired plumber.
So we gave the Plumber King a call and invited him over to fix a broken toilet.
Fact is, the portly plumber perfected platforming way back in 1996 with Super Mario 64.
“NOT only is there no God,” said Woody Allen, “but try getting a plumber on weekends.”
My daughter Judy, who works for a plumbing company, found herself in need of a plumber at home.
You could imagine a plumber named Everett putting up a sign advertising "Everett for everyone."
Since then it has been regarded for the most part as a lowly network plumber: necessary, but dull.
Who "Joe the Plumber" is and what role he might play in the remaining 19 days of the presidential race.
Think about it, in 100 years do you think anybody is going to care if you were an electrician or a plumber?
Born on 17 June 1898, he grew up in Combe Down, near Bath, and left school at the age of 15 to train as a plumber.
"In my view, it is just as great an achievement to be a plumber or a bricklayer as it is to be a lawyer or a doctor.
Joe the Plumber said Thursday he doesn't have a license and doesn't need one, because he works for someone else.
“Joethe plumber”于本周四称,他还没有营业执照,不过他也不需要,因为现在他给别人打工。
Jien Wen-ker, a 46-year-old plumber working in the village of Hsinkai, said a landslide there had buried 32 residents.
现年46岁的Jien Wen - ker是新开村的水管工,他说泥石流掩埋了32名村民。
The bald, brawny plumber asked Obama about his plan to increase taxes for people who earn more than $250, 000 a year.
这位肌肉发达的光头水暖工询问了奥巴马的税收计划。 奥巴马主张增加高收入阶层的所得税。
If she says, 'the kitchen tap is leaking, let's call a plumber', he hears, 'You're useless, I'll get another man to do it!'
The plumber had always been lucky at games. But the day he went to the carnival with the polar bear it all came to a poignant end.
The plumber had always been lucky at games. But the day he went to the carnival with the polar bear it all came to a poignant end.