Before you see the plastic surgeon, before you plunk down half a paycheck on that pricey anti-aging cream, in fact, before you do anything, put on sunscreen.
Before we plunk down our hard-earned money, we consumers like to know that we'll be happy with our purchases.
One reason is that it's simply hard to find investors willing to plunk down money on your company, unless they are family or friends.
CH-Auto will have to persuade wealthy customers to plunk down a large sum on an unfamiliar brand — Qiantu — over Mr. Musk's recognizable models.
In fact, if you were to plunk down this control on a page in your existing site, it wouldn't operate because the Membership service refuses to disclose cleartext passwords by default.
Plunk her down in Shanghai's Times Square Plaza, however - which is where the first store of her label, Seventy Two Changes, will open on Saturday - and things get a bit hairier.
Plunk her down in Shanghai's Times Square Plaza, however - which is where the first store of her label, Seventy Two Changes, will open on Saturday - and things get a bit hairier.