In a recent survey, questionnaires were sent to reporters in five middle size cities around the country, plus one large metropolitan area.
In a recent survey, questionnaires were sent to reporters in five middle size cities around the country, plus one large metropolitan area.
I am doing this for plus one minus one like sodium chloride.
Well, we don't have a plus one 1 so let's remove it by subtracting one.
不过我们还没有+ 1这一项,所以我们在后面减去一个。
The specification only defines four elements, plus one attribute called Optional.
As for the 2 VWs, maybe one plus one is less than two, but it is much greater than one.
Another would be raising the barrier for acceptance of a bid from 50% plus one vote to 60%.
Oh, plus one, affectation will give me KKKKKKKKKKK! K you next life changed business panda!
For instance, if I say MAKE COFFEE, it returns COMPUTER plus one of the three alternative words.
In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing.
In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and tow minus one equals nothing.
Well, the kinetic energy is minus energy is U, and so this is... +1/2U this is plus one-half U.
More than 10 films plus one TV series will be released in November to mark Singles Day on Nov 11.
We are making it one plus one equals three - I think it is going to happen; it is right in front of us.
There is one scenario per alternative flow plus one scenario for each combination of alternative flows.
the highest value is plus one and the lowest value is minus one, so the amplitude indicates that is...
For example, if I do not understand that one plus one is two, then I cannot understand multiplication.
There is one scenario per alternative flow plus one scenario for each combination of alternative flows.
"We remain committed to both tracks of the P Five Plus One dual-track strategy," said Gonzalo Gallegos.
Two equals one plus one. It is right mathematically, but ironically this is what we call restrained belief.
The validateCreditCard component accepts five attributes -- the four shown in Listing 15, plus one called none.
validateCreditCard组件将接受5 个属性 —— 其中4 个如 清单15 所示,还有一个是none。
Well! All my kindergarten teacher provoked woe! He even before I haven't mature told me that one plus one equals two!
The point: that a period of a pendulum is independent of the mass - the steel ball, plus one professor - hanging from it.
Place litter boxes (one per cat, if you own a few, plus one box they can share, says Moore) in quiet areas throughout your home.
Also note that the result of the write system call is the number of characters written — in this case, 17 plus one carriage return.
If you are looking for a word plus one of its possible derivatives, include the distinguishing characters of the derivative in parentheses.
Use the words "image" or "picture" in your photo ALT descriptions and captions. A lot of searches are for a keyword plus one of those words.
Towers Trap has 3 difficulty levels, plus one experimental level, where you can test different strategies without warring about the price of the towers.
According to the site, vulnerability phyla are classified into "seven plus one" pernicious kingdoms presented in the order of importance to software security
According to the site, vulnerability phyla are classified into "seven plus one" pernicious kingdoms presented in the order of importance to software security