Each successive point lies at a distance of the segment length plus the distance of the previous point from the origin.
The closer to the origin point, the less applicable the evolution laws are. In the opposite direction, evolutionary laws gradually dominate the progress of the evolution.
By contrast, messages in a cluster travel from a point of origin to one of several possible destinations.
The goal is to have a single point of control for all updates to the same table regardless of the point of origin.
So, the position of this point, p, is going to be the same as OP knowing the vector OP from the origin to this moving point.
You will have drawn a rectangular hyberbola whose point of closest approach to the origin is r.
则会得到一个正交双曲线,原点与它最接近的点之间的距离是 r。
In line 109, the polyline element is started, and an initial point is drawn at the origin of the axis.
第 109行是polyline元素的起点,它与坐标轴的原点重合。
Often, scientists see large chunks drifting in polar seas, and then have to work backwards to figure out the point of origin.
And, we are going to shoot a ray from the origin towards this point, and we want to know what portion of the ray is in our solid.
The primary distinction between them is that in a point-to-point network, queued messages travel from a point of origin to a single destination.
Coming in the month which marks the 150th anniversary of on the Origin of Species, and at a point when good science education is a matter of urgency, it could not be more timely.
Why do you say, we recognize the origin of the Neolithic stage of the dragon, there may be a lot more than just a point.
"At this point, the origin of Mercury's large core is still a mystery," said Larry Nittler, a cosmochemist at the Carnegie Institution of Washington who led the X-ray spectrometer study.
“从这点上说,水星巨大核心的起源仍然是一个谜,”华盛顿·卡内基研究所的天体化学家,X射线光谱仪研究的领军人物Larry Nittler如是说。
Depending on how the researchers calibrated their clock, the data point to an origin of domesticated rice around 8, 200 years ago.
Up to this point we’ve discussed the event processing capabilities provided by Premises Server and, more generally, the origin of sensor events.
The new results give astronomers a valuable new clue and point away from dark matter as the origin of the antimatter.
While evidence strongly supports it being an animal, many scientists point to its anchored root-system and spore-based method of reproduction as evidence of plant origin.
The ac power lines should be protected at the origin (building entry point) and at each of the succeeding protection zones within the building.
Now that human being has two aspects, one is his social aspect, another is his natural aspect, so the writer point out we should analyses "the origin of art" from these two aspects.
Dream your dream, but also realize that you are more than just the dreamer, you are the point of origin for your dream's reality.
Any type of solid or semi solid organic material of natural or synthetic origin, generally of high molecular weight with no defined melting point. Most resins are polymers.
Extended debate concerning the exact point of origin of individual folktales told by Afro-American slaves has unfortunately taken precedence over analysis of the tales, meaning and function.
The origin is located on the axis at the point closest to the center of mass.
Clues put together by scientists point towards one country as the mariners likeliest point of origin: China!
Fares apply only for carriage from the airport at the point of origin to the airport at the point of destination, unless otherwise expressly stated.
We walked one big round, and here we are already nearing back our point of origin, Weissenkirchen.
Legends tend to arise spontaneously and are rarely traceable to a single author or point of origin.
Legends tend to arise spontaneously and are rarely traceable to a single author or point of origin.