They point out that while deer made up a major part of their diet, there are no drawings of deer.
Those who deride the proposal for opening up the courts to family lawsuits miss the point.
I could point at all those layoff statistics. Or I could frighten you by bringing up the specter of your job going overseas.
Yesterday London was playing catch-up after Wall Street's tremendous 500-point gain on Wednesday night.
They kept standing up to take pictures and point things out to each other.
Scott opened up a 3-point lead in the first game.
Expenditure on education has gone up by seven point eight per cent over and above inflation.
The railway slopes up slightly at this point.
Set up the environment variable ROO-DEV in your system settings, which should point to the bootstrap folder within the Roo project.
Up to a point, affluence succeeds.
Perhaps the point of writing a flawless essay was not to give up, but to never willingly finish.
The point is to use the results of this study to open up meaningful dialogues on implicit gender bias, be it at a departmental level or an institutional level or even a discipline level.
He can slither down from a sofa, pick up peas and point wildly at anything that catches his bright blue eyes.
Perhaps the point of writing the flawless essay was not to give up, but to never willingly finish.
The savannahs are tall and slim and can weigh up to nine point one kilograms, making them one of the largest breeds of cats that people can own.
He tells us that everything that we've read up to this point has been spoken by a third-person narrator.
Then I got to the point where I was staying up really late at night to get my work done.
Up to a certain point, the more stress you are under, the better your performance will be.
When he came up to the top of the water, the point of the board was headed toward his eye.
The minute Masa was going to point out that this was too careless a way to live, Yuki suddenly stood up and put on her straw hat.
Walking up a path through the forest towards Shutlingsloe, a local high point, I came across a small clearing and immediately noticed the dead yellow grasses set against the fresh snow.
沿着一条穿过森林的小路向当地的高地 Shutlingsloe 走去,无意间我来到了一小块空地,随即立刻注意到在新雪映衬下的枯黄的草。
That said, to be honest the only people who ever ring our home phone are our Baby Boomers parents, to the point where we play a game and guess who is calling before we pick up the phone (using Caller ID would take the fun out of it).
The N. Oceipitalis major goes up to intersect the most projecting point of protuberantia occipitalis exter.
These changes point up the fact that the withdrawal of the franchise is often a hangover of history rather than a carefully thought out sanction.
With that in mind, I want to point up to the two quotations that I put on the board to start us off today: "I like his eyes."
Both gauges point up problems in the same handful of countries: Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and spain-a group given the ugly acronym PIIGS.
y What's xB compared to yB of this point up here?
My mother gestured toward the box and at one point threw up her arms in what I recognized as disbelief.
And if America does not act, Europe will undoubtedly, at some point, give up on greenery.
But not a single Clovis point has turned up in Siberia.