Obviously, you'll need those methods to get the code to execute, but there was no point listing them here.
The script in Listing 4 assumes that the mount point is named /u/stolze/.
清单4中的脚本假设挂载点(mount point)名为 /u/stolze/。
Listing 5 shows the code that proves the point on compilers optimizing empty base classes.
To better understand what it does and how it affects plug-in activation, consider the simple extension point contribution shown in Listing 1.
When adding the DB Engine project nature, the project classpath is updated to include this variable, which is defined by the workbench extension point in Listing 7.
当添加DB引擎项目性质时,项目的类路径会被更新以包含这个变量,这个变量是由清单 7 中的工作台扩展点定义的。
In the extension point, add the following element that contains the information shown in Listing 2 (also shown in Figure 14).
So the first step is to point the login form to that script (see Listing 3).
Several of the paths in Listing 1 point to locations with TDB files.
For example, to get guard point information, you could enter the command shown in Listing 4.
If we look at the typical entry point code in an RCP context (see Listing 4) vs. the RAP context (see Listing 5), you'll notice that there are similarities.
Next, mount the file system onto a mount point using the loop device (see Listing 2).
接下来,使用循环设备将该文件系统挂载到一个挂载点上(如清单 2 所示)。
Listing 14 illustrates this point.
Listing 16 lists the entry point class for the module.
Listing 10 clarifies the point.
If it does not, you will get an error and need to create the mount point or use a different mount point as illustrated in Listing 2.
Listing 13 adjusts the center point and the zoom level so that you can see the full map.
In the example in Listing 7, multiple computes have been performed for each break point on column SALARY.
Listing 1 shows the contents of this entry point.
Listing 1 gives a starting point for the application.
The table annotation shown in Listing 4 is required to point to my renamed (lowercased) account table.
Listing 2 shows a proxy object for loading the Batch extension point.
The ConfigurationInterface class, illustrated in Figure 1 and Listing 13, is the primary entry point to the configuration interface framework.
The next step is to declare the entry point -- the main() method, shown in Listing 4
下一步是声明入口点 ——main()方法,如清单4 所示
TM 2.0 also adds a shell processes subsystem, a Telnet subsystem and associated view, DNS-SD discovery, an FTP listing parser extension point, and an improved EFS provider.
TM 2.0还添加了shell处理子系统、telnet子系统及相关的视图、DNS - SD发现、FTP清单解析器扩展点以及改进的EFS提供程序。
Add an extension point as shown in listing 3 to the BankWeb project's plugin.xml, so that it can be launched in the Lotus Expeditor runtime using the short-cut menu.
在BankWeb项目的plugin . xml中添加一个扩展点(见清单3),以便用快捷菜单在LotusExpeditor运行时中启动它。
The extension point definition (shown in listing 10) specifies use of a class named com.ibm.devworks.example.acronym.AcronymExpanderCallback.
扩展点定义(如清单10所示)指定了com . ibm . devworks . example . acronym .acronymexpandercallback类的用法。
The example test used the LoginTest class shown in Listing 3 as a starting point.
这个示例测试使用清单3中显示的 LoginTest 类作为一个出发点。
Google provides the macros shown in Listing 9 for floating point comparisons.
Passing in a start and end point, as shown in Listing 14, gives the user driving directions when they click the link.