Humour is so subjective that you can find an example to support any point of view on this.
It will be interesting to see if such sceptics are willing to be equally sceptical about ancient data when they support their point of view.
If you can prove that refactoring makes sense from a programming point of view, you can start building your support base, first with your peers and then by spreading the word to the rest of your team.
Both grew to a point where the services had to be sustained by incorporating small fees into the service, all with the support of the community itself.
The health services in Gaza, already depleted and fragile, are on the point of collapse if steps to support and protect them are not taken immediately.
Against Hannover and Atlético, Robin van Persie was the focal point of the attack – he was preferred to Nicklas Bendtner, who played in one of the support roles.
In recent days, Obama has fired back at Clinton's claims about his experience, and continues to cite her initial support of the Iraq war as a key point of difference between the two of them.
From the user's point of view, Eclipse support has two problems: XM has its own logic for rebuilding projects and its own logic for reporting errors.
In some cases, such as production support and the infrastructure team's tasks, it took several sprints to refine the processes to the point of success.
Presently Klocwork is at the point of having about the same number of checkers in each language they support (roughly 175 per language).
At this point, a snapshot should be taken of the running system, in readiness for third-party support, for the call that you will undoubtedly log. Taking stock of the current situation, you have.
GetScale to determine the number of decimal digits after the decimal point that a parameter will support.
Because of its crucial importance, language bindings developers are making a point to support libglade (even though it's not (yet) part of the base GTK + library) in their languages.
由于该工具极其明显的重要性,语言绑定开发人员正在进行相关的工作,以在其语言中支持libglade(虽然目前尚未将其包含在基础gtk +库中)。
We’ve indirectly covered this one in the point about debriefs; however, I wanted to emphasize again how important it is to have a support network outside of the hellish job.
This brings up an important point — the connector must keep up the illusion of a session for the client, even for repositories that do not support one.
They support Numbers of different types (integers and floating point), characters, strings, and so on.
When the solution is complete and working from a development point of view, the organization needs to change to adopt and support it.
Therefore, there is a need to determine the starting point for extending existing capabilities and skills within the organization, which will be required to support use of the discipline.
The paper goes on to point out that there is absolutely no middleware support currently capable of supporting this type of transaction.
Regardless of which starting point you choose, though, you will eventually find yourself navigating and accessing the same overall set of support resources.
America has often ignored this bit of the Vienna Convention. Its neglect had become a sore point with Mexico, which does not support the death penalty.
From an economic point of view, mangroves are often far more important for the aquatic production they support than for the wood production potential.
The placement of support columns is based on a radially symmetrical 16-point star pattern and is inspired by Arabic patternmaking.
Rotor blade connection according to claim 1 wherein each intermediate layer of the individual dampers is fixed to the support beam structure by a single fastening point.
At this point, support hasn't come up amongst any of the partners who have active development efforts, so we haven't provided anything in that area.
SAS management Console offers a standardized, common management tool that enables enterprises to support many technologies from a single point of administration.
Ubuntu's good level of hardware support was also a point in its favor as this allows the company to be flexible in its hardware purchasing decisions.
In a market, a pivot point, it's associated support and resistance levels, are often turning points for the direction of price movement.
And in conjunction with support of our perfect after-sales network are the base point for good relationship between us.
And in conjunction with support of our perfect after-sales network are the base point for good relationship between us.