Most of them dealt with disappointment by ordering another beer and immersing themselves in a fresh game of video poker.
If poker were truly a game of luck, then the winnings of the 12% of entrants marked as specially gifted ought not to have differed significantly from those made by the rest.
Bretton Woods I is often compared to a poker game.
It's like they're playing a game of monopoly or doing some fantasy baseball trade or playing a game of poker and us entrepreneurs are just the Skittles they're playing with.
Then imagine that you and I are playing a game of poker and you have 10 chips and I have 200 chips.
But it's also a game of poker; an attempt to convince the Greeks that the eu has all the CARDS, while the Greeks have just a pair of deuces.
The more rounds there are in a poker game, the more times an expert has an opportunity to exploit a less skilled opponent.
Stephen Hawking: ‘I enjoyed my poker game with Newton...’
IT is just as well that high-stakes industrial poker is a game familiar to Sergio Marchionne, the chief executive of Fiat Group.
幸好高风险的的工业扑克游戏对Sergio Marchionne,菲亚特集团的首席执行官,是一个熟悉的游戏。
“IF you've been in the [poker] game for 30 minutes and you don't know who the patsy is, ” said Warren Buffett, “you're the patsy”.
This means that unlike poker or backgammon, all information specific to the game is known to both players, and there is neither secrecy nor chance.
Online poker sites have reams of game-by-game data.
Unlike checkers or chess, at which machines have also had notable success, poker is a game of incomplete information.
In a bar in Chicago last week these 3 guys invited me to a friendly poker game.
To the casual observer poker appears to be a game where it's everyone against everyone.
Enjoy a cool afternoon drink and a game of poker in rattan barrel chairs at the antique Art Deco Burmese Majon table.
In a stud poker game, you can put a couple of chips in the pot and receive two CARDS, one hidden and one exposed.
Many of us have plenty of leisure time to devote to trying out the latest Wii game or even watching others play poker on TV.
Do not force her to be with you in a poker game which she hates, but let she goes out swinging with her friends if she wants to.
Decision-thinking is not unlike poker…… This card game has often been of considerable interest to people。
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Your success in reading people in a poker game is governed by your ability to effectively observe their behavior.
Last night I got into a poker game with these men I met in the hotel bar.
Fiore was last seen alive with Jenkins at a poker game in San Diego.
People sometimes pass out their business CARDS as if they were dealing at a poker game and this unprofessional.
And there are surprises in the CARDS when Jack then worms his way into the writers weekly poker game.
Elsewhere, Toby asks Daphne and Emmett to help him win a poker game, which puts Daphne in an uncomfortable position.
It is often a winning card. In one kind of poker game, the first card to each player is given face down.
It is often a winning card. In one kind of poker game, the first card to each player is given face down.