Ranks of police in riot gear stood nervously by.
Police in riot gear were pushing people up Brixton High Street at around 1am.
As they neared the center where the Republican convention was being held, they were blocked by police in riot gear.
Mounted police in riot gear their horses fitted with perspex face masks and shin protectors formed a line to block collins st west of russell st as police battled to reerect the barriers.
On Wednesday night hundreds of police in riot gear were deployed to Eltham, south-east London, where men were on the street for a second night as self-appointed protectors of the community.
But photographs of Qian's head and torso, mangled under the back tyre of the truck, spread across the Internet, followed by images of confrontations between villagers and police in anti-riot gear.
They dispersed towards Deansgate when a police van arrived at the scene and a lone officer in riot gear stepped out.
Police officers in full riot gear form a wall across Yonge Street June 26 2010 in Toronto Canada.
Police officers in full riot gear form a wall across Yonge Street June 26 2010 in Toronto Canada.