Crowley was selected by a black police lieutenant to teach fellow officers about racial profiling.
NPR's Quil Lawrence reports that Connecticut state police Lieutenant Paul Vance says it could take weeks to get a complete picture of what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary.
Mr. Schlager was still alive when the police arrived, Lieutenant Burguan said, but he died about three hours later at a hospital.
Over a traditional Odessan meal of steamed crawfish, a lieutenant colonel in the internal affairs department tells TIME that police offer protection to the Mamachki for a monthly fee.
Rebekah Brooks, considered to be Murdoch's most loyal lieutenant and editor of the News of the World, was arrested on July 17, 2011, in connection with the police investigations.
"The Chicago Police Department is committed to safeguarding the civil liberties of city residents and visitors alike, " Lieutenant Maureen Biggane said in an e-mail.
"The Chicago Police Department is committed to safeguarding the civil liberties of city residents and visitors alike, " Lieutenant Maureen Biggane said in an e-mail.