The polis straightens out crooked judgments, gentles the swollen ambitions and puts an end to acts of divisional strife.
First comes the family, then an association of families in a tribe, and then you might say an association of villages that create a polis or a city.
Where he tells us that only by living in a polis?
The Republic, like the Greek polis, was a kind of tutelary association.
But the polis also included the surrounding farmland, and the villages.
They flew to the nearest refuge, the asteroid mining colony of Polis Massa.
The polis makes, a good polis, following good laws, makes its citizens better.
It was from a little book by Susan Polis Schutz called Don't Be Afraid to Love.
The polis shelters its citizens, grouped by interrelated families, within its walls;
In the literal opening, he gives what looks like a kind of natural history of the polis.
The power to know is our ability to recognize, by sight, members of the same polis or city.
What are we to make a utopia that would ban Mozart, a polis that could never have produce a Plato?
The polis is natural in the sense that it has grown out of smaller and lesser forms of human association.
The end and purpose of a polis is the good life, and the institutions of social life are means to that end.
a little of that here with you today, to go over what Aristotle is suggesting in this idea of man, the polis animal.
Polis Massans have made contact with the secretive Kaminoans, exchanging some of their data for cloning technology.
As it becomes more of a unity it will be like a household instead of a polis and a human being instead of a household.
The Polis Massans employ it in hopes of reconstructing any biological matter they discover in their archeological digs.
The Good is the end required by practical wisdom, which is perfection of individual virtue and prosperity of whole polis.
All he tells us is that we are the polis animal by nature and that to achieve our ends, it will be necessary to live in a polis.
Okay, now the polis from the beginning, and it never stopped being what I'm about to say, chiefly agricultural communities.
The polis, as Aristotle as well as Plato clearly understand, is a small society, what could be called today a closed society.
Civilized life for the fifth century is unthinkable without the polis, a bounded space dividing the human world from the wild.
A polis is not an association for residents on a common site, or for the sake of preventing mutual injustice and easing exchange.
On our first day, we drove through the ancient town of Polis to the wilderness of the Akamas peninsula-the unspoilt western tip of Cyprus.
What is particularly characteristic of classical Athens, however, is the focus of definitions of civilization on the polis, the city-state.
On our first day, we drove through the ancient town of Polis to the wilderness of the Akamas peninsula - the unspoilt western tip of Cyprus.
But I don't need to be when there's five polis and a German Shepherd dog breaking down the door and dragging Marc screaming down the path and into a van.
The Athenian metics with their special status played the special indispensable historical role for the prosperity and stabilization of the Athenian polis.
The Athenian metics with their special status played the special indispensable historical role for the prosperity and stabilization of the Athenian polis.