Together as a family, we will carry on the Dunmanian spirit, shining brilliantly just like a polished diamond.
It's impossible to assess exactly how much devastation one single diamond could have caused before it was cut, polished, set and sold at a high-end retailer.
The paper shows the measuring results of blunt radius of diamond tool, precision glass grating and profile and topography of ultra-precision polished ceramics.
The corundums, coated with a special resin, are sawn by thin diamond - polished blades. the discs are then separated, cleaned and sorted.
Made from sterling silver plated with 18-karat yellow gold, it features petite rounds of vibrant green emerald on one side, and polished silver dots along with a genuine diamond accent on the other.
The diamond films deposited on polished molybdenum by hot filament chemical vapor deposition (HFCVD) were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Raman spectroscopy.
A very uniform diamond film was grown on the mirror-polished 3 "Si wafer. The grown films were characterized by SEM and Raman spectroscopy."
A rough diamond when he left Arsenal, the 19-year-old returned well-polished with the accolade of PFA Player of the Year for League One to boot.
A rough diamond when he left Arsenal, the 19-year-old returned well-polished with the accolade of PFA Player of the Year for League One to boot.