In the past, Wang's ability and political ideas were not accepted by the people around him.
Beyond the legal details, some still see a deeper problem, concerning the very nature of political authority, and the ability of different ideas on this subject to coexist.
The political awakening of the people is not easy. It requires much earnest effort on our part to rid their minds of wrong ideas.
While Indian population has the right to write on this forum, the political bosses and their administrative babus have all the right to implement impractical ideas.
The poetic ideas of Liao Dynasty stressed the political and educational functions.
Those administrative ideas, ordered as (DE) - Ren - Yi - Tao - Fa - varieties, forms a set of nearly perfect theoretical system of traditional Chinese administration culture political philosophy.
Those administrative ideas, ordered as (DE) - Ren - Yi - Tao - Fa - varieties, forms a set of nearly perfect theoretical system of traditional Chinese administration culture political philosophy.