Carries out a purification experiment for controlling pollutant source and removing indoor air pollutants.
Evaluation of emissions and control equipment for the development of new pollutant source performance standards.
As the automobile exhaust is one of the biggest pollutant source, improving the quality of gasoline is imperative under this situation.
Geographic distribution of oceanic petroleum pollutant in the world is regular with influence of pollutant source and ocean circumfluence.
The tributary right XiaoHeiJiang River is the main pollutant source, so pollution control and harness in the river basin should be strengthened.
Under the circumstance that point source pollution is basically controlled, non point source pollution has already become an important pollutant source.
A landfill is a comprehensive pollutant source, and ln appropriate disposal in a landfill can cause severe problems of environmental engineering geology.
The new type sanitary cigarette packing method can avoid the contamination of the filter tip in cigarette caused by pollutant in hand and other pollutant source.
Through the system analysis, it announced APM's character, elements enrichment degree and style of pollutant source of the two sampling sites in Liangxiang of Beijng.
To pollution reasons for the environmental impact of construction projects, calculation of pollutant source strong plays an important role in environmental impact assessment engineering analysis.
Emission standard — a legal limit placed on the amount of a pollutant an individual source may emit.
The treatment measure including pollution source control and pollutant reduction was put forward for the sake of water quality improvement.
Thus total "allowable" emis. ions of each pollutant must be reduced even though a new source is. added.
Based on the pollutant equivalent method, the trends of pollution source and pollutant load in 1996 ~ 2007 are studied and the trend of water environment quality in Three Gorges Reservoir is analyzed.
基于污染物当量计算方法,探讨了1996年- 2007年三峡水库建设期间污染物来源、各污染源及污染物当量逐年变化趋势,初步分析了库区水体水环境质量总体变化趋势。
Since a chief source of pollutants is automobile emissions, it might be expected that pollutant levels could be correlated with automobile traffic, at least to some extent.
Methods The air pollutant exposure concentration in history were calculated with the multi - source proliferation mathematical model.
The key to treating waste water of polyester production is to control the source discharge and reduce the abnormal pollutant.
However, the coking, as the key industry of our country's national economy, is an open source of pollution. The pollutant it sends out has brought great harm to people's health.
But fundamental measure is to strengthen pollution source control, reduce pollutant load and control sewerage total amount.
The sets of diffusion equations are presented for reactive pollutant from a time -varied point source and secondary pollutant formed by the transformation.
The main pollution source and pollutant were finalized by the investigation of odor emission source from the wastewater treatment plant of the certain refinery.
The distribution of pollutant concentration is closely correlated to the distribution of pollution source and the discharge of pollutant.
The article tells us the relations between the room environment and human health from the pollution source, main pollutant and the damage of room pollution health.
The influence of land source pollutant to the environment quality at the Longjiang-river mouth was evaluated by employing the monitoring result of 2004~2005.
With the fast development of industry, the pollution of source of drinking water turns worse and worse, and the quantities and varieties of pollutant gets more and more.
Pollutant output-efficient model as well as others can be employed to estimate the discharges of the pollutants produced by agricultural non-point source.
The input amount of water and pollutant to the Taihu Lake from 25 rivers around the lake were monitored and the contributions of exogenous source on water nutrient in different seasons were evaluated.
This article briefly talks on the source of pollutant rainwater inside battery limit of refining unit and necessity of its treatment and drainage.
This article briefly talks on the source of pollutant rainwater inside battery limit of refining unit and necessity of its treatment and drainage.