Besides high calcium lime dolomitic lime and high magnesium lime are used in air pollution abatement processes.
If there is no environmental regulations, firms will have no incentive to take endogenous pollution abatement actions.
The main benefits of pollution abatement are health benefits, i. e. decreasing morbidity and mortality. But abatementcosts scarce resources.
All categories of port industry competent authorities shall provide guidance for pollution abatement in the port zones under their jurisdiction.
Emphasis on pollution abatement may cause recovery systems to be installed, especially if production cost can be brought near the break-even point.
It also advanced the idea that the clean production who the guiding ideaology in the process of pollution abatement , as part of process of manufacture.
This thesis considers that imposing on green taxation has a theoretical and practical significance for pollution abatement, as well as putting resources to rational use.
Rather than a regulatory system with uniform effluent limitations, it may be preferable to have a variable standard that would concentrate pollution abatement where it costs the least.
The electrochemical technology has been widely applied in various aspects of people's life and production such as environmental monitor, environmental pollution abatement and land restoration.
To analyze the pollution carrying capacity of Poyang lake, set the water environment volume as the restricted value, brought up the the pollution abatement area and total amount of Poyang lake.
Moreover, Maricopa County has hired an official involved in San Joaquin Valley's pollution-abatement effort.
In this paper, various aspects of environmental pollution related with construction activities at the present time are analyzed, measures for abatement of pollution put forwarded.
Technological progress in abatement must exceed growth in aggregate output inorder for pollution to fall and the environment to improve.
The cause inducing noise pollution on high grade road, and the noise abatement measures both at home and abroad are introduced. A way to precaution noise given.
The cause inducing noise pollution on high grade road, and the noise abatement measures both at home and abroad are introduced. A way to precaution noise given.