The harmful air pollution of boiler smoke is introduced and the measure to burn coal fully and reduce the pollution is adopted.
The captured sulfur agent added into clean coal is very important based on the situation in, China such as coal as the main energy, coal users dispersion and coal smoke pollution type.
By investigating the atmospheric pollution source in Yanzhou mine area, this paper analyzes the status of treatment, Control technology and effectiveness on coal smoke pollution.
For solving the problems about waste energy and environmental pollution in old industry furnaces, a new coal burner of smoke removing and energy saving applied in forge furnace has been developed.
In light of the natural gas production regions, there is severe air pollution in Lanzhou and Xining, especially the smoke pollution emitted from coal burning.
Actually the primary energy sources is coal-based in China result in the serious coal smoke pollution which mainly to SO_2 and NO_X.
The air pollution in China is characterized by coal-smoke, which derives from the situation that coal is the most important energy source.
Through wet desulfuration, coal-fired power plants reduce air pollution of the smoke.
The causes of black - smoke pollution from coal -burning annealed furnace and the current status of treatment technology are discussed in this paper.
The causes of black - smoke pollution from coal -burning annealed furnace and the current status of treatment technology are discussed in this paper.